•Chapter 4• The past is not in the past

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Eugene and I drove to the entrance of one of the many alleys. The car could not go any further.

"This is it." Eugene said. "Isn't it kind of exciting that we get to go undercover? I mean, this is why I went to the academy in the first place."

"Yeah, it is. Don't blow it. Let's go." I said and hopped out of the car. Eugene did the same and ran after me. He grabbed my arm before I had the chance to walk into the alley maze.

"Don't we need a plan? Genius?" Eugene asked sarcastically.

"A plan? They're criminals. It never goes as planned with those guys." I shrugged my shoulders and continued walking. Eugene sighed and shook his head but he decided to follow me.

"Okay." Eugene said while he was inspecting the alley.

"What are you doing?" I sighed.

"Working on an escape route, isn't that how you always managed to escape from these criminals?" He asked.

"Yes, or sometimes I just like to...improvise." I shrugged my shoulders while I started walking into the alley.

We walked through the long alleys in silence. Eugene kicked away a garbage sack and two rats escaped from underneath it. Eugene winced. I chuckled a bit, he had a lot to get used to.


"Shush! I hear something." I whispered while I slowly stepped forward and turned around the corner. I bumped into a person, a kid from the streets. It was a boy from around 16 maybe 17 years old.

"Watch where you're going!" I said as I pushed the boy back. It wasn't like me but that's just the way it is on the streets. No one's friendly with you at first.

"Get yo blind ass out of my way!" he exclaimed, he sounded offended.

"Hey, forget it. Don't you work for Pitch?" I asked.

"Yeah, what do you want?" he asked. The boy obviously had a big attitude as he was arrogantly chewing a piece of gum and was very close to my face. Trying to show that he was a tough one. I just stared him down with an emotionless expression.

"Could you lead us the way?" Eugene asked. I mentally facepalmed and punched his shoulder.

"Ow! What?" He exclaimed.

"This is not a unicorn that you're talking to." I said. The boy was glancing weirdly at us.

"Get your ass moving! I haven't got all day." I shouted in all of a sudden. The boy got startled by my sudden outburst and turned around and started to lead us to Pitch.

It was closer than I thought. Yet another abandoned building that he used as hide out. We stepped inside and started to walk through the corridors. There were a few men here and there and some faces were familiar. We happened to walk into Pitch who was talking to Hans. It surprised me that Hans was still with him, he came from a wealthy family and as a teen he had a bright future ahead of him.

"Jack Frost?" he raised both of his eyebrows at the sight of me and a mocking grin started to form on his face.

"Ah, Pitch! All out and about, eh?" I chuckled and stepped a bit closer. I had learned that acting tough around Pitch had little to no use. So I just acted the way he remembered me, a cocky pain in the ass.

"What are you doing here? I thought you stopped living on the streets a long time ago." He said, looking down at me from head to toe.

"Well, you thought wrong. Here I am." I said. Spreading my arms and trying to put on my most annoying grin.

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