(6) A Fleeting Glance

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A hand rested on her shoulder.

Twitching in her sleep, Amy groaned softly swatting away the hand that was shaking her awake.

"Amy!" hissed an angry sounding voice.

Her eyes instantly snapped open and she looked up to see Caellum glaring angrily down at her, his eyes dangerous alit with rage. Weakly, Amy pulled herself to her feet and stared at the floor, not daring to meet his gaze. Why it was always him who made her feel small with a single look, she didn't know. Why did it have to be him? She scowled, crossing her arms stubbornly across her chest.

"What the hell was that?" he roared, causing her to flinch.

"I'm sorry," she muttered.

"You could have got yourself killed!" he fumed, a murderous glint appearing in his eyes as Amy scoffed.

"There are dangerous things in the woods, Amy!"

She bowed her head.

"You acted recklessly," he muttered. "I get that you're upset."

"No, you don't!" she cried.

She looked up at him angrily, seeing a mixture of sadness and rage reflecting in his dark green eyes. She retracted back further, her spin pressing firmly against the willow tree. Caellum shook his head furiously glancing away. Amy, who felt somewhat drawn to him, inched slightly closer - not knowing where this new found bravery was coming from. She closed the gap between them and he looked almost vulnerable as he gazed at her, his eyes widening slightly.

They were so close that she could feel his presence radiating against her, it thrilled her like nothing else had ever before; her heart beat increased and she could feel sparks flickering inside her. Caellum watched her intently, his eyes never leaving her hazel ones. Truthfully, he was as anxious as he looked. How could he ever be attracted to a student - especially his Godmother's child?

Amy lent closer, her lips were only a short distance from his and she saw his gaze flit to them. He tensed as she got closer, clenching his fists at his sides.

"No!" he growled, pulling away.

Amy was startled, but blushed instantly. She'd been stupid. As if he'd ever want to kiss her. Stupid.

She turned to flee, when his hand caught hers, tugging her to his chest. More tingles ran down her spine like a warming fire spitting sparks as it danced in the wind. A small gasp escaped her lips as his hand caught her cheek; she stared up at him with wide eyes.

As her body pressed against his, he felt a fire ignite within him. He hadn't felt like this in a long time and sent waves of confusing emotions through him. Excitement, terror, desire. The very last time he'd ever felt the same kind of emotion had been when he had been still a human; this rawness of emotion wasn't natural for a vampire.

Amy continued gazing into his eyes with such innocence that he felt himself melt slightly as he remembered the same nervous smile of Harriet before they'd first kissed all those years ago.

Caellum shook his head, dazed, and smiled fondly at the girl before him. He twitched as a hand cupped his cheeks; her hands were soft against his skin. He wanted her lips on his so badly that he heard himself whisper her name.

"Harriet?" a small voice mumbled, sounding sad.

His eyes flickered open and he saw Amy gazing up at him, her hands still placed on his cheeks. Her eyes filled with tears and more emotions erupted inside him. She pulled away, shaking her head sadly.

"I'm going back now," she whispered, turning once again to leave.

Amy walked through the trees, pushing her way past the branches and leaves. She had never felt so humiliated and just thinking of the awkwardness of her and Caellum's encounter brought a hot blush to her cheeks. She made her way to the metal door, when suddenly she was pushed to the floor - the wind knocked out of her.

Coughing, she looked up and met a pair of piercing grey eyes belonging to a very handsome man, who looked just slightly older than Caellum perhaps twenty one or twenty two. He was shirtless and had a broad stance. His muscles were perfectly toned and his jaw was chiselled and masculine. Her mouth parted slightly as the man hurried away into the undergrowth. Amy's gaze followed him until he'd disappeared from sight.

She pulled herself hesitantly to her feet and gingerly rubbed her head. Quickly she stumbled towards the slightly ajar door. She didn't see Lucien emerging through it until they'd collided. Lucien grunted as Amy staggered backwards.

"Watch where you're going," he huffed glaring at her.

She squeaked an apology, tears reappearing in her eyes. His expression softened slightly and impulsively he wrapped his arms around her. He looked down at her, awkwardly patting her back as if unsure what to do.

The door opened again to reveal Caellum; his green eyes had dulled and he looked worn. His black clothes were torn from his shoulder to his stomach and his eyes grew dark as he saw Lucien's arms surrounding Amy. He growled and they sprang apart, Amy startled and Lucien grinning slyly.

"Is there something wrong, brother?" he asked, smirking as Caellum's hands clenched into fists.

Gritting his teeth, Caellum glared at his brother with hatred. "Get away from her," he warned, each word laced with venom.

"No? Does she mean something to you?" Lucien chuckled. "Yes? Then I guess I'll just have to take her away from you like you took my everything from me. Mark my words, brother."

Caellum roared, his frustrated anger radiating from him in a tyrant. "Let it go, Lucien! I didn't do anything!"

"DON'T LIE!" Lucien screeched, trembling with a newly formed rage. "YOU KILLED HER!"

Silence followed and Caellum looked nervous. Amy watched him, her jaw dropped at Lucien's sudden outburst.

Lucien," Caellum said sadly. "I didn't kill her-"


A gasp escaped Amy and the two brothers turned to her, both had completely forgotten she was there. Caellum's face was deathly pale and Lucien looked furious. She gulped as Caellum looked at her with pleading eyes.


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