(17) Decisions

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Robert watched with horrified expression as Amy was dragged away down the corridor. He was too stunned to move, and by the time he could finally walk again, she was already lost from sight. Darting from the room, he ran down the corridor to the lift, his feet pounding against the metal floor. He hadn't ever seen eye-to-eye with Caellum, but now he needed him. He was the only person who knew exactly where they would take Amy - but going to find Caellum could mean that he could lose Amy forever to him. 

Shaking his head, Robert stood in the lift as it soared up to the surface. Cautiously he made his way out of the room and opened the door, peering outside. He breathed in deeply, before he made his way out into the forest. He ran quickly through the trees, his footsteps thudding on the forest floor. Twigs snapped under his feet and leaves rustled as he trod carefully, making his way towards a building in the distance. 

He pushed open the door to the hut and about thirty pairs of red eyes all turned to face him, some smiled licking their lips. Gulping, Robert made his way confidently forward ignoring the eyes that were following his every move closely. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a voice snided. "A human?"

Robert spun around to see a tall, dark haired man standing by the door, his purple eyes glinting. Robert gave a start; the man looked familiar but he couldn't quite place where he'd seen him before. The man chuckled and soon after the rest of the room began laughing too. 

"You were stupid coming here, human," the man said. 

"I was looking for someone," Robert replied cooly, trying to ignore the fear that was building up inside him. 

"And who would that be?" 

Robert eyes scanned the room looking for Caellum's presence. He gulped, turning back to the man in front of him. "Caellum?" 

"Caellum?" the man asked, looking confused. "Does anyone know a Caellum here?" he asked looking around at the rest of the vampires. 

"I do!" someone cried, standing up. "He used to work at the school. He was dreamy ..." the person said, sighing; she was a tall, blonde haired girl. As she turned around, Robert gaped at the girl in front of him. 

"Hannah?!" he gasped, his jaw dropping. 

The girl raised her eyebrow at him. "You know me?" 

"It's me, Robert. I was in your training class at the school," he muttered. 

"Nope, the name doesn't ring a bell."

Sighing, Robert looked back at the man, who was whispering to a black haired woman beside him. Her eyes snapped up to look at Robert and her mouth parted slightly. "Robert? Robert Waters? Amy's friend?" she whispered. 

The man raised his eyebrows at the woman. "Melissa? Do you know this human?"

Robert's jaw dropped. Melissa ... where had he heard that name before? Where had he seen that black hair before? He racked his brain.


"Melissa Hart?" he whispered. 

The woman nodded. "What's happened to Amy?" she asked. 

"Amy who?" the man demanded. 

"Your daughter, Caleb!" 

"It's Erik now," the man growled, glaring at his wife. 

"She's going to be put on trial because she turned a human," Robert muttered, watching as a quiet hushed whisper swept across the room. Melissa stared at the boy in front of her, anger flashing in her eyes. 

"I'll kill, Solon!" she hissed, turning to her husband. "Erik, you have to help her! They'll kill her for good," she pleaded. 

"Why should I help her and risk everything we have got so far? Why should I risk our army in order to save one girl?" 

"Because she's your daughter and she can help us. She's special."

"I doubt that a teenage girl could help us," he said, turning away. 


Caellum knocked on the door of Caleb's house and the door opened quickly. Caleb pulled Caellum inside the house, slamming the door shut. He looked angry as his eyes glinted red and his body was rigid. 

"What's happened to Amy?" Caleb snapped, picking Caellum up by the neck of his shirt. 

"What do you mean? She got back to the school safely!" Caellum choked, glaring angrily at the man before him. "I made sure she did."

"Then why do I sense she's scared?! What happened to her, Caellum?!"

"I don't know!"

"You shouldn't have fucking left her side!" Caleb growled, his voice deep and dangerous. 

"It's a bit difficult when I've been banished from the school. How can you expect me to know everything that's going on?! That's your job! You have connections!"

"They've cut me off from everything, my only source now is Violet and she's not an elder."

Caellum looked horrified for a moment. Amy could be in danger, but then again Solon wouldn't hurt her; he wasn't so sure, however, about the other Elders. Who knew what they were capable of? "We're going to have to go and try to bust her out of there." 

Caleb looked at him like he was mad. "Are you seriously suggesting breaking our way into the school? You have to be joking! If something's happened to her, she'll be under their constant watch. It's almost impossible."

"Are you giving up on your own sister?" 

"No. Never."

"Then we're going to have to."

"Why do you even care?"

Caellum looked to the floor, his head drooping. "Because I'm in love with her."


Okay so I know it isn't the longest chapter, but it's important to the plot. Also please don't be a ghost reader. I haven't heard peoples views for the last few chapters and hearing from you means the world, so please :) okay thanks for reading.

 A/N I will check for mistakes once this story is completed and maybe make it better. 


Comment - it means the world hearing from my readers. Don't be a ghost reader, because writers like to be encouraged. 

Vote - I mean who doesn't like receiving votes?! :D 

Tell A Friend - I'd like more readers if you please ;) 

Anyway I hope you liked this short upload, because I enjoyed writing it (TBF i like writing all of it, but that's not the point :P) 

Please please please show your support :) *hugs* 


Emma xox

Until next time readers

Oh and I'm pretty impressed that I'm uploading so frequently, it is actually amazing me. But then again I am easily amused. Okay have fun waiting for the next chapter ;) bye 

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