(23) The War Begins

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Chapter 23

The War Begins


Amy and Caellum ran into the school, fangs poised and ready to attack. The students around them immediately began screaming, running down the corridor in an uproar.

This was it. The war was finally about to begin. 

Erik would be alerted of their presence and hopefully that would create a diversion for Caleb and the other Vampires to make it to the base of the Rogues. Most probably in Solon's office. 

Ducking into a crowd of screaming students, Amy and Caellum made their way towards the office, following in Caleb's footsteps as they made their way towards it. Amy looked around quickly and saw the students were being followed by Orianna and a group of vampires. Amy almost let out a gasp as she saw Rodney beside Orianna, wearing a confident smirk on his face. Nudging Caellum in the side, they both took off down one of the first corridors they could see. 

"AFTER THEM!" Orianna screeched. 

Not waiting to see if they were being followed, Caellum and Amy darted into one of the rooms, closing the door quietly and backing away into the darkness. Amy tried to control her irrational breathing as she sank down against the back wall. 

"Are you okay?" Caellum asked, running a hand down her face and cupping her cheek tenderly. 

Nodding, Amy wrapped her arms around Caellum's muscular torso and snuggled her face into the crook of his neck. "When this is all over, I want to be with you forever," she whispered. 

"I agree," he muttered, before kissing her gently on the lips. Amy smiled, hugging him closer. 

"We're going to have to put up a fight if we want to get out of here alive you know," Amy said, breaking the kiss and resting her forehead against Caellum's. 

Sighing, he closed his eyes, before he kissed her quickly. "I know, but some people might not make it. You have to prepared to lose people who are close to you."

Amy shook her head, standing up. "We're all going to survive. I know it."

They stayed silent for a few more minutes, before Caellum finally spoke again. "You have to stay here," he whispered. "I'll be right back."

"No," Amy muttered, "I'm coming with you."

"Stay here," he muttered. "You need to stay safe."

"So do you," Amy protested, pouting. 

"But you, Princess, are more important. Please just stay here ... for me."

Nodding her head, Amy sighed and leant back against the wall. Caellum kissed her delicately on the cheek before disappearing out into the corridor. Amy watched him leave, suddenly feeling a wave of emptiness sweep over her. She didn't want to stay here! She wanted to fight alongside Caellum; she wanted to make sure he came to no harm. And yet, here she was sat in a dark room, wondering if Caellum was going to come back. 

It was horrible. 

The door opened suddenly and Amy looked up, expecting to see Caellum, but instead she was greeted by the face of her mother and father. 

"Melissa, Erik," she muttered, getting to her feet and glaring at her parents angrily. "Why are you doing this?" 

"Amy, honey, leave daddy to deal with this." 

"SHUT UP!" Amy screeched, glaring angrily at Melissa. "YOU TWO ARE SICK PEOPLE!" 

"Amy," Melissa whispered, shaking her head quickly and looking over at Erik, who was just smiling menacingly at Amy. 

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