(13) Falling

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Amy moved back quickly, but Lucien grabbed hold of her wrists and pressed his body against hers. Her eyes widened as his gaze fell onto her neck and his fangs appeared from behind his pink lips. Shivering, she tried to pull him off, but he wouldn’t budge he was too strong.

“No,” she whispered, tears springing to her eyes.

Lucien laughed, his voice echoing through the woods. “No one’s going to save you now,” he growled, “and my master will forgive me all I have done.”

“Master?” Amy whispered, her curiosity getting the better of her. She immediately shrank back as he turned to her, his expression changing into a hard frown.

“Yes, I have a master. Every vampire does, even the rogues.”

“I don’t have one,” Amy mused, covering her mouth quickly as she realized she had spoken.

“Solon is your headmaster for the time being, until you turn rogue.”

“I won’t turn rogue,” Amy bit, glaring angrily at him.

“Mark my words,” he muttered, leaning his head closer to her neck. “Once I drain the life out of you, your rogue instincts will take over.”

Amy shook her head. “It doesn’t work like that, unless the person that bites me is a rogue."

“I don’t work for Solon,” Lucien said, smirking.

“Then why are you always here by the school?”

Lucien tapped his nose knowingly and smirked. “That’s for me to know.”

Amy gulped and looked to the floor, frantically pushing his head away as his fangs got dangerously close to her neck. She resisted the urge to scream and kicked him hard in the shin. He retracted, growling furiously, his eyes burning dangerously.

“Where did you learn to kick like that?” he cried, leaping towards her again.

He latched onto her neck, drinking the blood from her. Amy coughed, chocking as he drank more and more. He had nearly drained her, when he was ripped from her and thrown to the ground. She let out a scream as his fangs scraped down her skin, leaving a trail of her blood. She was going to be sick; she was actually going to die. This wasn’t how she wanted to go, dying in a pool of her own blood.

Lucien roared as the person who had ripped him off Amy, punched him repeatedly in the chest and jaw. Amy looked up and saw Caellum poised ready to attack Lucien if he tried to move. She suddenly felt a wave of emotion flood over her, before she passed out.


“Amy!” a husky voice said quietly.

Groaning, Amy opened her eyes groggily and stared up to see Caellum kneeling down beside her. Her eyes widened and she closed them tightly closed again to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. She felt Caellum poke her side and she let out a giggle, opening her eyes and swatting at him with her hand.

“No!” she squealed, springing to her feet.

Caellum looked surprised by her speedy recovery and raised an eyebrow as she hopped effortlessly onto a rock. A grin spread across his lips as she smiled broadly at him.

“I feel great,” she mused, rubbing her eyes and looking up at the dark sky. She threw back her head happily, laughing and spinning around in a circle.

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