Safe and Warm (RoyalChaos) Fluff

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Ze pov

I woke up crying from a bad dream, hot tears still going down my face. I looked around my dark room,  shivering at the cold. I supposed my heater hsd shut off at  some time while I wad asleep. I stood up shakily, whipping the tears  off my cheeks as I walked towards Chilled's room, seeking comfort from him at the moment. I shuffled down the dark halls, feeling the walls for guidance and somewhat safety from what might be lurking in the darkness.
I found a door and knocked hesitantly, seeing a blue-ish glow emitting from the bottom of the door. The sound of papers shuffling and a chair being rolled on the carpeted wooden floors came from the door aswell, followed by the sound of feet shuffling sleepily towards the door. Chilled opened the door soon after, a head of messy, brown hair  peaking through. "What's wrong Ze?" He asked softly, seeing as much of my face that the dim light  from his room allowed.

  I sniffled and stepped forwards, hugging him tightly, "I had a nightmare.." I murmured, burying my face into his warm neck and taking in his scent.

He frowned, pulling me into his room, closing the door behind him, "What about?" He asked, sitting on the bed and pulled me to his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, shaking like a leaf as he ran his hand up and down my back.

  "I-i don't remember.." I mumbled, burying my face in his chest. He kissed my head. I blinked away some tears,  tensing as  he picked me up. He turned me around and lied me down on his bed before crawling up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I was silent for a a moment, looking back at Chilled with curous and concerned eyes.

  Chilled smiled warmly, kissing my cheek and jaw to calm me. "Im gonna stay here with you until you fall asleep, so if the nightmare comes back, I'll be here to comfort you if you wake." He explained, nuzzling his face into the back of my neck. He pulled the comforter over us, the light of his monitor shutting off as his computer went into sleep mode.

   I relaxed against him slowly, listening to his voice as he mumbled sweet nothings into my ear. I turns around, to face him, looking up into his soft brown hues  before pressing a kiss to his lips. Chilled tensed momentarily then returned the gentle kiss with a smile. I pulled away, pressing my face into his chest, curling close to him. He rubbed circles into my back slowly, humming quietly as I began closing my eyes. I listened to the soft beat of his heart, gripping onto his shirt for reasurance that Chilled was actually there and that this wasn't a dream.

Chilled must have caught onto that as he pressed a kiss to my ear.  "This is very much real, Steven... there's no need to worry." He mumbled, causing me to tense as he used my real name. I don't remember the last time he used my actual name it was in a taunt for me messing up on Gmod Death-Run. But no, this time it was meant in affection instead of taunt. I smiled, pressing comfortably closer to Chilled as I let a warm, calming wave of sleep take me. I never knew that I could feel so calm and loved frommy male friend but now, I didn't think I could live without it. Chilled murmured something as I fell asleep, I was unable to comprehend his words exactly, but it sounded like something along the lines of 'I love you'. And I hoped thats what it was, because I loved him.

Im sorry this was so short but I hoped you liked it anyways!
If you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the comments below.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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