Visit again? (CaptainAnex) Smuff

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3rd person

Kevin had been staying at Jordan's house for a while, mostly to visit, but he had been mostly hopping off to some other place than staying at home. Jordan noticed this around the fourth day, making him wonder where exactly his younger friend had been running off to. He never really stopped him or hinted at it, mostly concerned about nerving Kevin to the point of leaving and not returning. But something egged him on to ask today, the seventh day of Kevin's visit, the last day too.

Jordan pushed himself out of his thoughts, standing up to talk to Kevin before he ran off to god knows where. He headed swiftly to the guest room, seeing that Kevin wasn't there. He felt a little bit of urgency starting to push him towards the kitchen. As he passed through the living room, he was sort of tackled to the ground by someone behind him. Instincts kicking in before common sense, he elbowed the tackler in the chest, hearing a familiar yelp and feeling the weight from the other leave him. He looked over, sitting up in surprise when he saw Kevin sitting next to him, rubbing his own chest. The younger man looked up at Jordan, giving a weird pouting face, "Fuck man.. that hurt" he said, smiling a little. Jordan smiled slightly to see the other wasn't upset over it.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't sure who you where" Jordan mused slightly, getting a chuckle out of Kevin. Kevin scooted closer to him, looking at the floor for telling when his legs ended and Jordan's began.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have decided to play 'tackle to Sparkelz' at such a bad time" Kevin mused, looking up at Jordan with a innocent smile. Jordan felt his face heat up a little at the smile, It seemed that his emotions where betraying him once again. He blinked a little, smiling lightly at Kevin.

"You should have asked first" Jordan jokingly nagged at him, blinking as Kevin tackled him again, this time, sitting on his lap. Jordan sat up a little, blushing more from the strange friction the other was giving off. "Kevin, what are you doing?" he asked, barely trusting his voice to stay calm. Kevin just smiled a little, leaning down until he was inches apart from kissing the other. Jordan found himself gazing into the other's hazel brown eyes, getting lost in them slightly.

"I'm giving you a proper apology." Kevin said, pressing his lips lightly to Jordan's. The older male responded hesitantly, lightly placing his hands on Kevin's hips. Kevin wrapped his arms around Jordan's neck, shivering slightly as kid an traced the small of his back. Jordan licked his bottom lip, almost instantly gaining entrance, his tongue fighting Kevin's for dominance and wining. Every minuet that passed the make out seemed to heat up tremendously. Jordan was actually surprised on hoe long the other could go without pulling away. Just as he was thinking this, Kevin pulled away, panting a little. He rested his head on Jordan's shoulder, smiling a little, "I love you JorJor" he mused quietly, nuzzling the other lightly.

Jordan closed his eyes, smiling a little, "I love you too" he replied, the words flowing out like they were meant to come out towards the other. They sat there for a while, just enjoying each other's company, cuddling with each other and mumbling soft words to each other that seem to flow like warm honey.

They sat there until Kevin got a call from James, telling him he would be at the airport in a few minuets. Reluctantly, Jordan took Kevin to the airport, holding him in his arms until James arrived. The two nodded goodbye to each other ad Kevin started to leave. Jordan quickly grabbed Kevin's arm lightly, turning the other around and stealing a kiss. 

"Can you come back again soon?" He asked, pulling away. He mentally slapped himself for not asking sooner.

Kevin smiled and nodded, "As soon as I can" he kissed Jordan again and pulled away, "Love you" he mumbled into his ear and left. 

Jordan stood there for a while, smiling like a idiot, "Can't wait till then."


Sort of felt like a forced ending to me.. But 

I hope you guys enjoyed it non the less <3

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