You'll Be Okay (Jeamus) ???

171 4 1

Word Count- 1012

Rated- PG-13

Warning- Blood, Gore, Semi-Self Harm

9:52pm- Thursday, September 12

James's Pov

Seamus and I were hanging around Sly's and Aleks's apartment, playing video games and talking shit about them later. It was a day off because Dan was sick and Kootra just 'didn't feel up for working today'. He said that he didn't want any of us poking around the office and if he caught any of us there without a good reason, he would do 'something'. He never explained what that something was, but we still stayed away from the office.

It wasn't long before Sly decided it was a good time for all of us to play some Mario Cart to calm everyone down from 'whatever stress was plaguing us. Of course, I disagreed to the idea, seeing it just seemed like a way to ruin a friendship/relationship instead of relieving stress. Unfortunately for me, it was three to one. About an hour into the game, Seamus got up to use the bathroom, leaving the game all together so his absence wouldn't risk him loosing his crown as the best Mario Cart Racer. I had teased him slightly, asking him if he wanted me to join him and in return he lightly hit me on the back of  my head as a chastisement for the perverted question.

Not too long after he left, I heard a crash erupt from the direction of the bathroom and the faint sound of Seamus calling for me. I quit the game and got up, sort of jogging towards the bathroom since the crash was worrying to me. I opened the bathroom door, the first thing that I could see was the shelf above the toilet set up in Sly's bathroom was half way broken; one of the supports were busted and what ever was on the shelf was spilled onto the floor. On the floor, there were a few broken bottles of shampoo and what looked to be a mini tool set with little indents to were all the tools went, all of the tools were around the box; all except for the scissors. I opened the door more, my heart stopping as I saw Seamus sitting in the corner of the bathroom, next to the sink, clutching the missing scissors to his left eye, tears and blood dripping from under his fisted hand. I quickly fell to my knees in front of him, grabbing his wrist gently, "Seamus! What happened?!" I asked almost in a yell, trying to remove his hands from the scissors.

He just tightened his grip on them, "D-don't" he chocked out, looking at me with his right eye. I went cold, understanding why he was holding the scissors now.

I reached for a towel, grabbing it and pressing it against the bottom part of his left eye, "It'll be okay, just stay calm" I murmured, sitting next to him and pulling him into a soft hug to try to calm him. He shook his head lightly, shaking as he started to cry harder than he was already. I lightly hushed him, rubbing his arm softly, "SLY, ALEKS! CALL 911!" I yelled out the open bathroom door, knowing they could hear me. 

I could hear Sly ans Aleks's footsteps draw near, along with the sound of Sly talking to someone on the phone. As soon as they were in the door, Aleks spoke up before looking at the situation, "What ha-" he stopped mid-question, his eyes filling with horror before he turned on his heals and ran back down the hall, choking back what seemed to be vomit. 

I continued to try to comfort Seamus as I explained to Sly what I thought had happened, telling him that the shelf must have fallen on Seamus and the scissors must have taken his eye out. Sly seemed slightly sickened by the sight but he stayed calm enough to retell the story to the 911 oporator and then tell her the condition Seamus was in at the moment. Seamus listened to him, his shaking growing worse every second, along with his crying. I knew that soon what ever adriline was keeping him calm enough to not try to pull the scissors out would be gone and he would go into a panic. Knowing this, I lightly grabbed his wrist once again, "Sea, let me hold them okay? I don't want you to hurt yourself..." I calmly said, my other hand still rubbing his shoulder. He shook his head once more, a small gleam of panic in his eye as he did. I let go of his wrist, trying to calm him once more, "Just take deep breaths, alright? Don't move your arm and just stay calm.. the paramedics are on their way..." I said, using a soothing voice this time.

Seamus phisically calmed, his grip on the scissors loosened, but he kept his hand there so he wouldn't cause anymore harm to his eye. He leaned against me, his other hand gripping my shirt tightly, "A-Am I-I g-go-going to... to die?" he asked me, his voice laced with fear and pain. I could hear sirens in the distance as he spoke.

I shook my head, "No, You're going to be okay, I swear. You'll be fine in no time." I said, holding him closer to me. He just made a soft sound that sounded like an 'okay' and gripped my hand tightly. I held his hand back, running my thumb over his knuckles as he murmured unintelegible words to me. I looked up as footsteps aproached the bathroom and a man in medical suit came into sight. He motioned for me to get out of the way, but Seamus started to panic, his grip on my hand tightning as I tried to stand. I looked up at the man and sighed, "Help me pick him up first..." I said calmly, watching as a gurney was brought in by two other men. The man nodded and carefully helped me pick him up and place him onto the flemsy cot. Seamus still gripped my hand as the men carried him off to the ambulance truck.


I hope you guys liked this!

It's sort of a filler until I am able  to get over the Hiatus on Escaping a Killer and It Can't Be True
Sorry about it not having a thing, I wasn't sure if it counted as fluff so... :P

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