Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Oh, Mufasa, you're too serious!" Sarabi laughed. "Why can't you take a joke like Taka here?" She gestured before smiling at him.

Mufasa scowled before turning away. "It's not easy when you're the next king." He said, trying not to sound irritated.

Taka swung an arm around Sarabi and shrugged slightly. "I keep telling him to loosen up, but he just doesn't listen to me."

"You boys are like total opposites!" Sarabi laughed.

"Well, if we were alike, I would be all grumpy like Mufasa there." Taka pointed before imitating Mufasa's scowl with his arms crossed.

Sarabi laughed some more. "Oh, Taka!"

"I have a lot on my mind." Mufasa sighed. "Not only do I have to meet up with the other animals kings, there's a stupid ball that mother has been nagging me about."

"I'm surprised she hasn't brought in the word marriage yet," Taka said.

"The stupid ball is intended for me to find someone." Mufasa huffed.

"Wow," Sarabi marveled. "I can't believe it. I mean . . . can you believe it? Time is going by so fast. Mufasa will be King of Pride Rock. I will eventually marry. But what about you, Taka?" Her head tilted in question.


"Sarabi! Your mother is calling for!" Zazu cuts in.

"Oh, sorry! I have to go! Later you two!" Sarabi waved before following after Zazu.

Taka and Mufasa both released a sigh.

Taka stared at his brother before making the comment. "You like her."

Mufasa frowned. "You do too."

"Yeah, but you're the heir! Of course, she'll choose you!"

"That's not always the case."

"Mufasa, Mother has been bugging you to find someone. I overheard her mentioning Sarabi. Why don't you make a move?"

Mufasa growled. "Do you know how wrong that is? How can I make a move if you don't even want to try?"

"It's not like that. It's just . . ." Taka stopped, not knowing what to say.

"I won't make a move unless you do too. I can't just try to take her away when you and I have the same feelings for her."

Taka smiled. "It would have been a lot easier if you were a mean brother."

"It would have been, but I'm not so horrible as to ignore your feelings."

"So what should we do? Mother is going to force you to find someone at the ball if we wait."

Mufasa thought for a moment. "How about we both confess to her?"

"What? Are you insane? Has all the pressure finally made you crack?"

"I'm being serious. It's not an ideal situation for any of us, but it will get the point across. That way we would all know where we stand with each other."

Taka hesitated before nodding his head in agreement. "So when and where?"

"The day before the ball, we'll all meet here at dawn. There we will both confess and she will choose."

Taka nodded his head. "There will be no hard feelings between us?"

"Never." Mufasa smiled, pulling Taka for a hug. "I'll inform Zazu to tell Sarabi about it."

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