Chapter 11

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I woke up in David's arms. He was still fast asleep shirtless and I struggled to get out of his arms that were wrapped tightly around me. My Dad must be worried about me. I really don't want him to lecture me about sleeping with a guy. So I was hoping he wouldn't bring it up. I lightly shook David. "David wake up." I whispered pulling the covers above my chest.

"Oh what time is it?" He said in a tired voice which I find quite sexy.

"Almost 5am."

"You better be getting home." He quickly jumped out of bed, his naked body facing me as he picked up his shorts, not worrying about underwear and then threw me my shorts and shirt. "Go through the window and climb down the ladder.

"Okay." I said as he walked to the window and opened it to allow me to get out. While I was getting out, David turned my face to face him. We then kissed goodbye then I left.

I went running down the street to our house and was thinking of away to sneak in. I climbed up the vine to my brother's room and knocked on his window. He was half asleep when he came over to the window. "What are you doing?" He said.

''I stayed out too long. Can you help me in?" I whispered.

"What's in it for me?"

"I'll watch Psycho with you." I said with a sigh.

He thought for a moment. "Okay. Deal." He opened his screen window and pulled me in.

"Thanks." I said as he helped me in. Luckily we have a door connecting both of our rooms together so I could just sneak in without Dad knowing. "Dad's not waiting up, is he?" I asked as I headed to the door.

"Nah." Said Timmy. "He went to bed after dinner and told me to make sure your home by twelve."

"Okay." I said about to close the door behind me when Timmy stopped it.

"What where you doing this late anyway?"


"Nothing means something." He said. "Come on tell me. I won't snitch."

"Okay. Well. Um..." The words struggled to get out of my mouth. "Nothing. Go to bed."

"You sleep with him?" He asked crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.

I looked at him with a guily look, not even realizing I had the look.

He smiled "So, you slept with him?" His smile quickly turned into a smirk. "Use protection?"

"Of course. I'm not stupid."

"Wow," He said. "I've never been so proud of you." He said tearing up and came over to hug me.

"Wow. Normal brothers would be pissed off about this thing happening to their little sister." I said and gently pushed him off me.

"Well it's kind of okay in this family. I mean mom had me when she wasn't even near 17. Dad was 17 and she was 16. Its normal." He said.

Wow. Was all I could think about of what Timmy just said. I went into my room after that and slept in my clothes. 

The next morning I came down to see a suitcase opened on the couch with Dad at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee. "Hey, hon." He said to me. "You packed up?"

"For what?"

"Remember? We go back home today."

"What!?" I screamed. "You two go. I'm staying." I crossed my arms.

"You know you can't do that."

"Ugh. I got a life here!" I yelled and stomped up to my room. I saw Timmy packing in his room.

"Hey." He said. ''Make sure you don't forget anything."

"I don't want to go home!" I said as I stomped into his room.

''Wow hooking up with your boyfriend sure does get you in an attitude." He said and put a shirt in his bag. I took it out. "Will you let me pack."

"No" I said dumping his suitcase on the bed.

"Come on! You knew we had to leave at some point."

I started to tear up and ran downstairs and out of the house. I ran to David's house and got there just as he was heading out to work.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" He said closing the front door to his house.

I didn't say anything and just went into his arms.

He hugged back. "What's wrong? You okay?" He let go and stared at me. "Look at me, babe." He lifted my chin so I was looking at him.

I wiped away a tear. "We're leaving today and I forgot."

"Oh." He gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head. "We can make this work."

"No." I cried. "We live like three hundred miles from each other."

"You have a choice."

"No." I said. "I don't."

''Yeah you do. Stay for me."

"It's not that easy. My whole life is back home."

"What about your new life here?" He kissed me on the lips to help me remember our summer together.

"But I have school and stuff coming up." I said.

"The school here is amazing."

"I can't. Will you at least say goodbye to me when I leave?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll take a short break from work for you."

"Thanks." I said and kissed him. "Well I better pack."

"And I better go to work."

We both smile at each other. "I'm gonna miss you." I said giving him a giant hug.

"I'll miss you too." He said. We let go and I walked slowly back to the house. "See you. I love you."

"Love you too." I said and left.

When I got to my room and started packing, I was crying the whole time. I picked up a picture on my bed side table of me and David on the beach that his uncle took. And I took down the pictures that where taped to my bed of me and David. I put them all in a shoe box. Everything that revolved around him. I closed my suitcase and carried it downstairs.

David, his dad and uncle where all there gathered around the car as we where putting stuff in it. Me and David hugged really tight goodbye as our parents shook hands and talked.

"Okay time to go." Dad said as he walked to the car.

"Call me everyday?" David asked.

"Trust me. I'll call you every hour." I hopped into the car.

He kissed me through the window. "Be safe."

"I promise." And with that we drove off and left eachother behind and drove out over the hill and on to the highway where all we saw ahead were busy streets and traffic. Have to get use to this again. Great.

A Summer To Rememberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن