Seeking Help

524 21 16

I felt freezing as I fell and the wind brushed through my hair. The ground quickly got closer and I landed face first on the mattress luckily. I instantly bounced off and went rolling down into a sandy pit.

My cheek and elbow are now scraped and bleeding slightly, I'm also covered in sand. But I'm alive! The fresh air feels so good!

I got up and ran to my bag and then realised a fatal flaw in my plan.

I don't know where I am, I also don't know how to get back to Ashdene Ridge.

Then their car pulled up. I jumped behind a wheely bin and hoped that they didn't notice anything.

"What is this? What's she playing at!?" Yelled my uncle in rage as he noticed my mattress laying on the floor.

"I'm gonna kill that girl!" He yelled as he stormed into the building, closely followed by my aunt. I took my chance and ran for it.

Not sure where, just down this road that I'm on which eventually came to a village.
It was beginning to get dark so I decided to find somewhere to sleep for the night.

It's raining slightly, I don't want to be out in the rain.


After walking round for a while I came to a bridge over a river. Underneath the bridge were loads of other people. Some old, some young, all homeless.

I walked closer to them cautiously. They all gave me dirty looks but turned back to their fires or conversations they were having with other people. I'm an outsider. Outcast, yet again.

I went over to a space that was on the edge of the bridge and leaned against the wall. I looked around and noticed some people had shelters made of cloth and wooden poles. Others had circles of stones set up with fires to keep them warm and by the looks of things, do cooking.

I sat down on the cold floor. The harsh wind whipped my face and sent shivers down my spine.

"Are you ok?" Said a boy, probably 16ish who had cerebral pausey. (I can't spell sorry x)

He approached me with a confused look on his face. "What happened to your face?"

"I jumped out of a window" I admitted.

He sat down beside me and handed me a cup filled with soup. "Eat it, you'll feel better"

"Thanks, that's very kind" I smiled.

"Out here, we have to look out for everyone. Even new people, we all know how it feels"

I smiled and ate some of the lukewarm soup.

"Why are you on the streets?" He asked.

"I only came today. I was adopted by my evil aunt and uncle. I had to escape"


"Yeah. My parents died when I was younger so I was put into care. I recently moved to a new place over summer. This is the second time I've been adopted, and the second time it's gone wrong"

"You'll do just fine here" he said "I'll look after you"

"What about you?"

"I was in care too. I turned 16 so I moved out. I didn't get on with the neighbours and I owe them lots of money, that I don't have."

"You were in care?"

He nodded. "I'm sorry" I said.

"Don't be. I had an amazing care worker, he was like a dad to me..."

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