One bad night after another...

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"What happened this morning must never happen again!"

We all sat round the breakfast table listening to Mike who was having a stern word with everybody having heard what they did to me this morning. I was wrapped up in a towel trying not to freeze to death as I drank some warm squash that Mai Lee had made me.

"Carmen, Bailey, your grounded without allowance for a week with extra chores!"

"But it's that party tomorrow!" Carmen protested before giving me an infuriated glare.

"Yeah and football training!" Whined Bailey.

"Tough. You could have made Marie seriously ill this morning so let that be the end of it!"

"But coach is expecting me..."

"Bailey! Not another word! I'll call him, tell him you won't be there" he then walked out in the direction of the office.

"Not to worry you Marie" started Mo looking straight at me. "But you do look a bit pale"

"I'm fine. I just need to warm up a bit.."

"Why don't you go and take a hot bath?" Mai Lee suggested. I nodded and made my way up to the bathroom.

First though I stopped off at my room to collect my shampoo and some clothes along with my towel. Don't want to forget your towel when you live with like 12 other people.

I then travelled towards the bathroom, closed the door, locked the door, and set all my stuff down on the side of the bath.

I let the hot water run and took off my pyjamas. I went over to the mirror to inspect the bruise again.

It covers my entire hip and is absolutely massive! I just hope Mike doesn't see it because he will obviously have questions, questions that I don't want to answer.

'Yeah Mike I was travelling through time and space in a police box with Ryan and the doctor, a man who can never die when I fell against the metal bars inside a room that's bigger on the inside. Just an average day really. Don't even worry about it.'

The mirror started to steam up because of all the hot water in the bath so I turned on the cold as well. When the water was at a nice temperature, I stepped into it and sat down, allowing the warm water to sink into my skin.

Even though the water is steaming and the mirror condensing, I still feel cold. Not goosebumps and shivering cold, just cold in general.


After bathing I put on some black leggings and a blue top with a white skull on it, covered by an indigo blue hoodie. The weather is rainy and cloudy, but you know, it's Britain and October so...

I took all my stuff back to my bedroom before making my way down into the kitchen. I walked in to see Kazima doing the baking she was on about. "Hi Marie. Want to help?"

"No thanks. I just came in for more warm juice actually"

"Still cold?"

"A bit but I'm much better thanks"

I boiled the kettle and got a plain, green mug out of the cupboard. After making the warm squash, I took the steaming drink into the living room which had been put back to normal by now.

I placed my drink on the coffee table between the two sofas and sat down in one of them. Carmen was on the other looking through a magazine with Tee. Tee gave me a smile but Carmen didn't even look up but who cares about Carmen?

I just relaxed for a bit but my eyelids began to feel heavy and it became much harder to stay awake.

"Marie honey? Wake up. Lunch is ready"

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