Good Afternoon.

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It has been at least a month since Kevin found out that he was talking to the Double D at his school and the same pne living across the road on Tindr and over text message.
Double D didn't think 'Mark' liked him. He thought Mark was just a very nice young man.
Today was Saturday, Edd hade done ALL his chores and homework, ready to go see his friends Ed and Eddy when he got a message from Mark.

"Hey D, what are you doing?"

"Good afternoon, nothing too much Mark, ready to go see my friends soon, how about you?"

"Oh yeah.. about the same. :)"

"Sounds delightful!"

"Yeah. Oh okay, she's here. I better go."

"Oh okay, have a lovely time! Good day!"

"Yeah. You too.. seeya."

Kevin rushed down the stairs really fast and opened the door to Nazz.

"Hey Kevin!"

"Nazz. Hey! Uhm, I'll be right back, go sit inside and I'll be back in a minute okay."

"Uh sure Kevin!"

Kevin speed walks across the street to Double D's house and knocks on the door.
Double D answers.

"Salutations Kevin! How may I make you're aqantince today?"

"Hey Double Dork. I was uhm, just wondering if you wanted to come hang with Nazz and I?"

"Oh, Kevin- as I would love to take up you're offer, I am seeing Ed and Eddy today!"

"Oh well. That's uh okay then I guess I'll see ya around then." Kevin says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and walking away.

Double D stands at the door feeling bad.
"Uh- KEVIN! wait!"
Kevin spins on his heel his eyes lighting up as he meets Edd's.
"Yes Dork?"

"Uhm, as much as I love my friends, I think that spending time with you and you're friend will be fun!"
Edd says with a guenuine smile.

"Follow me then Edd."
Double D's heart skipped a beat. No one calls him Edd anymore.

~le time skip brought to you by Kevin's amazing heel spinning~

Kevin, Nazz and Edd all head down the street of the Cul-Da-Sac and down to the small town that is Peach Creek.

"So, Edd. I don't see you around much only in the Cul-Da-Sac." Said Nazz with a small giggle.

"Yes, well Nazz I do prefer to keep to myself a bit. I don't go out much." Edd said looking down.

"Why?" Said Kevin sounding concerned.

"Oh. You know... Study?" DD said stallingly.

"Come on Edd! I hardly knoe you and even I know that is a lie!" Kevin said.

"Yeah, come on dude you can tell us the real reason, you know that, right?" Nazz said open heartdly.

"Well..." Edd begun.
"There are these.. guys... on the football team.. and well. Their not the nicest to me. They push me around call me a dork and a nerd and always force me to do their homework. I hate it. So. I don't really leave my house."

"Eddward." Said a soft husky voice.

"Y-yes Kevi-in?" Edd said timidly.

"If any and I mean ANY of those pricks say anything to you. Tell me." Kevin said through gritted teeth.

"Kevin, I-I don't want to bother you."

"Too bad. I'm the ONLY person that can call you a dork from now. On." Kevin stated firmly.


"Okay guys, can we hurry up! I wanna shop!" Said Nazz.
"Okay, okay. Coming Edd?" Kevin said.
"Yes- yes of course."

The three had fun looking in shops and Nazz thought it would be a good idea to buy Edd a whistle so that if he was ever in trouble he just had to blow the whistle as loud as he could and Kevin and Nazz would come help him.

~Le time skip brought to you by a fuming Eddy because DD forgot to leave a note~

Later on that day Nazz went home and Kevin and Edd we're still hanging around. Just talking. When Edd realized he hasn't talked to Mark since earlier in the afternoon. Edd pulled out his phone and opened Tindr.
"Hey Double D what are you doing?" Asked a quizzitive Kevin.
"Oh just messaging my friend Mark to let him know I'm not dead or anything!" Edd said smiling.
Kevin clicked that as soon as Edd hits send his phone will buzz. He got really scared and really nervous.
"Uh-hey Dork come on this Mark guy can wait we're hanging out, I'm sure he'll realise that if you don't message him your busy!" Kevin said laughing nervously.
"Kevin... Well. I suppose you are right."
Kevin let out a sigh of relief.

He cannot find out that Kevin is Mark.

Not yet.

*heyo I updated look at that i suck. Anyways feedback is muchly appreciated! Love you people!!*


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