First date!

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Kevin and Double D head to Kevin's dads car and drive down to the mall. They dtop by this cute Chinese place just out of Peach Creek they sat down at the table. Edd was the first to speak.
"So Kevin." Edd said confidently.
"Y-yes Edd?" Kevin looked up at the smart boy.
"I've been wondering why you asked me out."
"Where did this burdt of confidence come from, Edd? Usually I'm the confident one." Kevin smirked.
"I just want to know. And I usually don't get what I want because of Ed and Eddy. But this time I will get an answer." Edd said with a devious grin.
Kevin looked up into Edd's eyes. Sparkling blue stared into devious green's soul.
"I just um. Edd."
"Yes, Kevin?"
"Can I trust you with something only Nazz knows."
"Of course, Kevin." Edd said smiling.
"Well, I'm bisexual."
"Good to hear. I'm still very gay." Edd said smirking.
Kevin blushed.
"And well. I can't stop thinking about you. You make my heart spin. I don't know why. You're smart, help?"
"O-oh Kevin. You like me. Maybe like is an understatement." Edd playfully laughed.
"So you're saying I really like you?" Kevin smiled.
"You're correcy Kevin. I really like you too." Edd said.
Kevin stood up out of his seat. And moved next to Edd. Who was sitting opposite him and pulled him in for another hug.
"If you wanna. We can. Um- date. But not at the moment. I don't wanna fuck things up with you."
"Kevin language." Edd said pulling away from Kevin with a pout.
"Okay. Okay." Kevin said putting his hands up defensively.

They ate dinner and headed to a mountain top. Kevin wanted a pretty view, like his date. They drove up and got out. Kevin had a blanket in the car to sit up to watch the sunset. Kevin went and sat the blanket on the ground while Edd stood there. Kevin say down.
"C'mon." He pet the blanket and Edd went and sat down next to him.
"T-thank you for dinner Kevin. It was lovely getting to know you better." Edd said quietly as he felt his face heat up.
"Not a problem dorky. Any time." Kevin said back looking at him.
Kevin kept looking.
"K-Kevin why are you staring at me like that?" Edd said.
"I'm admiring you." Kevin said as a blush spread all the way to his ears.
"Oh, very well then." Edd smiled still looking at Kevin.
Kevin was so scared. He wanted to kiss Edd. The site was do beautiful and he wanted Edd to have a first kiss to remember.
He leaned in and slowly Edd realised what he was doing. He wanted to kiss Kevin too but he was nervous. He just decided to live in the moment and go with it.
He leaned in and their lips conncected. Heastating Edd didn't know what to do. Kevin's lips were so soft. He felt Kevin's tongue poke at his lower lip. As a natural reaction he opened his mouth and let Kevin's tongue in. He quietly gasped under his breath. His first kiss..
And. He. Wanted. More.
He leaned over closer to Kevin and melted into the kissing. He put his hand on Kevin's shoulder as Kevin cupped his face in his hands. After Edd started to feel aroused. He pulled away.
"That wa-as nice." Edd said panting.
"Yeah, it was." Kevin said smiling.
"Do you think it's time to head home? It may be 7:30 but you can stay at my house for a little while. I don't go to bed until 10:00 now."
"Yeah sure dorky, let's go!"
They packed up and headed back to Edd's.
"So Kevin."
"D-do you think we could replay what happened uhm. On the-" he was cut off.
"Only if you want too, Edd."
"Well, y-yes."
Kevin moved over grabbed Edd and pulled him close but before their lips touched he whispered.
"You read my mind."
Their lips crashed together again this time fiercer. Tongue's met and a little moan came from Edd as Kevin accadentally brushed past his member with his hand.
Kevin pulled away this time.
"Yes, Kevin?"
"I really like you."
"I really like you, too."

*yaaas two chapters in one night they may be short but i wanted to get out two tonight so happy reading!!! 💕💕💕

-Fuentes! 😘😘

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