Chapter 14

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The gentlemen went out of the study in time when supper was being prepared. They slipped out of the room perfunctorily and what happened inside stayed there. It would be confined within the walls and neither of the siblings meant to divulge the course of their conversation.

They were met by Albert who announced that the supper was ready. At that moment, Ralph walked briskly toward them with the intention to hear of any progress amongst them.

"Martha does a good work in cooking, I'm sure you'll like the food," Thomas said as they descended the stairs.

"I'm quite famished myself," Arthur said then brushed the left shoulder of his coat. He glanced over his shoulder to be certain that his son was with them.

"You always are, Art," Harold ruefully retorted.

"I'm not Felton."

The light banter among the older men made furrows on Ralph's forehead. He generally could not follow on their conversation for they were something only the three men shared. But the good air brought by this sudden cheerfulness made the situation favorable. A family bond was indestructible, he thought.

Finishing the bountiful supper, they shared sherry as they continued to converse about the lost years. All of them have their glasses of wine except for Thomas who refuse to take even a sip. He had asked for tea instead. The action brought a good jest among them and soon they were sharing another chuckle.

"I'm so blessed that we had settled things. Therefore, my purpose of living here is fulfilled," Thomas said after putting down his half full cup of tea. His blue eyes glinted with benevolence and contentment as he looked across the men he sat with.

"What do you mean by that?" Arthur said as he straightened on his seat and paid a hard look on the older brother.

"This and all you have left behind are still yours. There is no point of leaving again. Did I understand you right?" Harold sternly said.

"I only plan to obtain your forgiveness then I'll be off again but I'm keeping in touch this time," he said then a smile touched his face.

"You can't leave just like that Tom," Arthur retorted.

"Aye. Uncle you can't leave especially you have..." Ralph's sentence was cut by a female's shrill shriek from somewhere within the manor.

The west wing.

With a surprising alacrity, Thomas bolted to his feet knocking down the cup of tea. He dashed out of the room without any word and was heedless of the questions from his brothers.

This was what he was fearing about for a week. He should hurry.

Knowing exactly where the shriek came from, Ralph went after his uncle. And he too did not have the time to explain himself to the gentlemen that were left by the table. He is certain that it had something to do with Zachary.

He saw his uncle staggering on climbing the stairs. He caught up with him and went pass then straight to the hallway that led to his cousin's room. Being younger and in greater shape has its own advantage during times that hasty acts were needed.

Just was what with Ralph? Why he seemed to know so well where to go? Have he met Zachary already? But it was not possible.

Reaching the head of the stairs, he saw Ralph's form through the light of the sconce that he headed straight until the far end of the hallway. Then he rushed into a room. That was Zachary's chamber. Trudging onward, he followed.

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