Chapter 18

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"You mean you do this fuss every month? Isn't this a bit tiresome? Why don't you just send people to deliver these? It doesn't always have to personally given," Ralph said as he watched the manor's footmen loaded the cart with boxes of vegetables and fruits. Some were root crops.

"Zach does the appearance often. You know that I'm not always in good shape."

It surprised his nephew that they actually started such an activity in Haven. It was simply sharing the harvest they had reaped.

Even if he had returned to his former life, it did not mean that he have forgotten the ways of his previous life. He was contented in that way of living and there was no harm of continuing the custom. Zachary was of great help in that course of action for he was a living proof that some time in his life, he lived like a commoner.

He had encouraged the lad to continue his curing practices in the place. Since people around here were commoners, they were receiving a free devout service from the young man in par of those in London.

However, that part was yet to be known to Ralph. Zach had told him about his plans about the church. They agreed upon it and have decided to take Ralph's service in that certain aspect.

"Ralph, aren't you underdressed?" Zachary remarked sarcastically.

It was then he turned to Ralph and subjected him to a good look. He was wearing a morning suit. A complete morning suit with the hat. While Zach wore a white sleeved shirt and snug breeches, they looked like the typical English lord and servant.

Before the things heated up between the cousins, he goaded them to go at once so that they would be able to return before supper. He watched them go as Zach held the reins and Ralph sat beside him. They went with two other men who were in the cart keeping anything from falling off.

However, he had the strong feeling that they would not make it home for supper with him. The people were probably looking forward for their return. Zach would be inevitably towed here and there as welcome for the lad became popular amongst them. And with Ralph, the crowd would be curious of what kind of man he is.


They crossed foamy fields before reaching the recognizable group of small houses with thatched roofs. As soon as someone spotted them coming, people came out to meet them on the opening of their hamlet.

"Lord Zachary! When did you return?" a robust man said as he walked along the cart.

Zach hopped off of the cart leaving the reins to Ralph.

"Yesterday afternoon. I've had to go to London. I hope you all understand, we didn't mean to leave without a word."

"What's with that face m'lord? You've returned!" The crowd began to laugh and chats continued as they began to disperse.

"I didn't know that you're that popular around here my boy," Ralph drawled as they trailed the path to the chapel. He handed the reins over one of the men on the back and carefully jumped off to join the cousin on foot.

Ralph tipped his hat to the looking girls. The gesture sent those young women blushing and giggling. He quickly assumed that the young maids were crushing on Zach or him.


A call from a little boy with lilting voice wafted through the air. A boy between the age of five and seven with blond hair and wide bright green eyes came heaving from running to meet them. His eyes were fixed and smiling to Zachary when he stopped in front of him.

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