Chap13 Somewhere only we know

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When we were done with all the sentimental moments Maize and I walked outside.

"Bye." I said walking away.



"Because you need a break. You look like you're about to pass out from exhaustion, and you're under a lot of stress. So come on." He said.


He smirked. "You'll see."

Grrr… I hate it when people are ominous because that just makes me curious. Now I have to go.

I followed him and we walked a couple blocks till we stopped. I looked up. We were standing in front of a huge park. I could see green leaves slowly turning brown, poking out of the gates. I looked at him quizzically.

"We're not there yet." He walked in and we walked past the playground.

We walked for a couple minutes when we found a trail. I could see little grey rocks and pebbles crowding it.

"Come on." He said and I followed.

We walked through bushes and branches. I got hit in the face by some branches a couple times but our destination was totally worth it.

I walked out onto a huge field. It had little flowers that covered practically every inch. Plus huge trees 30 feet above our heads that didn't have a single brown leaf in sight. I guess they were so high they didn't have to worry about fall. I spun around taking in everything.

"Maize, this place is gorgeous. I love it."

"I had a feeling you would, even though people don't really take vampires as nature lovers. Maybe it's the fangs that make us seem as if we lack the sensitive side." He joked. I laughed.

"It's still beautiful. How did you find this place?"

"Well just by being curious I guess. I mean I've always explored places. Even when I was little I wanted to get to see every inch of my house, my school, even my crib according to my dad." He laughed.

"It's my dream to travel the world, once I'm out of school."

"That's awesome." I said sitting down with my back against a tree. "I've got no clue what my dream is." He laughed sitting down next to me.

We were laughing and talking for what felt like minutes but I knew were probably hours. Maize and I were in hysterics just laughing at the stupidest things.

Then I saw the outline of a lady bug marching past our stretched out legs. "Even the bugs are beautiful." I said admiring them.

"That reminds me." Maize said getting up.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said walking away.

"Stop doing that." I said.

He smirked before walking away and disappearing into the bushes. He came back a couple minutes holding something bright cupped in his hands.

I stood up and walked toward him. He uncupped his hands and inside was the most beautiful flower I'd ever seen. It was a mixture between a lotus and a tulip I think. I swear I think it was glowing. Then I noticed it had purple folds inside. That made love it even more.

"Thank you. It's beautiful." I said smiling.

He smiled and stepped closer to put the flower in my hair.

"Like you." He started to lean in and I did too, and then stopped when I realized what I was doing. I stepped back.

"I should go."

Autobiography of Selena ElsonWhere stories live. Discover now