Chap 20 How Do I Escape?

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"Serum?" I asked Jake.

"Yes its what we're going to kill you with." he replied boredly whipping out an ipod, then playing Temple Run.

"I'm glad you find my death so...interesting."

He didnt even bother looking up.

I sighed looking at my reflection in a puddle on the floor.

I was so beat up scratched face, smeared make up. My dress looked even worse then i remebered the dance.

Crap maize. He must be so mad. Who knows where he is now.

He's definitely not thinking of how to rescue me. nor Stella. Wow both of my two only friends hate me.

I must really suck. Which is probably why i'm sitting in the corner of a prison right now.

I wiped a tear from my eye. What the heck is wrong with me? Sitting here crying wallowing in my own self pity.

No! I'm gonna get out of this. I'm gonna be fine. I stood up.

"Yo. Jake."

"What?" He asked  annoyed.

"I need to go to the bathroom." He scoffed and went back to his game.

"It's serious! 'female thing'" I said using over dramtic air quotes.

"Ok T.M.I." He got up and came to unlock the door. I noticed when he came closer i didn't choke.

"Hey why don't you stink?" i asked bluntly.

He rolled his eyes. "Because i'm a level 3. We dont 'stink' till we're level 4."

"Oh." I said.

Then I noticed a glowing object he had in his hand. It was racing with electricity.

"Any funny business and you'll be spitting out  lightning bolts for weeks." I shuddered and he smirked.

I walked down the hall to the bathroom and into the stall.

I only had a couple seconds to think of a plan but it was enough.

I opened the door and gave Jake a round house kick to the head just barely missing the stick he pointed at me. He was down on the ground when I grabbed the stick and and electrocuted him with it. He passed out.

I stripped him (shut up pervs) and put on his jacket, shirt,pants, and finally his glasses. They were baggy on me but would at least buy me some time before they recongized me or realized we were gone.

He was lying there in his boxers looking pathetic, so of course I had to humiliate him more.

I put him into my tattered dress, and it fit him perfectly. I wish that i'd had time to take pictures.

"Now what do i do with him?" I muttered looking around the bathroom then spotting a huge garbage can. I took off the top and threw him inside.

Now my super vamp strength shows good use.

Autobiography of Selena ElsonWhere stories live. Discover now