Chap 16 Roomies!!

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Maize walked me home of course. "So how are we gonna work all this stuff out? I mean having to be with someone all the time?"

"We'll figure out something." He smiled at me reassuringly.

I tackle hugged him. "Thank you for everything." I mumbled into his his shoulder.

He was surprised a first but then slowly wrapped his arms around me."Any day." he said resting his chin on top of my head.

I heard my moms voice behind me "Selena?" I turned around and saw her in the doorway.

I turned back to Maize. "Thanks again. He smiled. "Just make sure you get a ride to school tommorow, and after that i have it covered."

I lifted an eyebrow but didnt say anything. I"ll leave my curiosity for tommorow right now im too tired.

I waved again and walked inside as my mom gave me a quizical look.

She shook it off and said "I have a surprise for you."

 "What?" i asked looking around. i didnt see anything different. She just smiled.

"It's in your room." she grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. I walked inside and saw a gorgeous short black dress with purple sequins. It had a poofy bottom and was very girly but i loved it anyway.

"Mom thank you so much."  

She smiled. Of course. Then my mom picked up a shoe box off the floor, and handed it to me. I opened it and saw a pair of beautiful black and purple heels. They matched my dress perfectly and luckily werent too high.

I put them down and grabbed my mom in a bear hug. I felt my nose start to burn the way it usually does when i'm about to cry. Then of course came the waterworks. Surprisingly actually since I couldnt cry when i first changed to a vamp. I found myself sobbing in her arms.

"I love you."

She patted my head. "I love you too sweetie. Whats wrong?" she asked worriedly.

I pulled back to look her in the eyes. "Nothing. I'm sorry its just it waas so sweet and i dont tell you enough that i love you, and just remeber that. Ok?" I wiped my tears looking up at her.

"Of course, I love you too. You're worrying me. Are you sure eveythings ok?" I smiled weakly.

"Yes i just wanted you to know no matter what." I picked up the dress and shoes and put it in my closet.

"Thanks again." She gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight." she said leaving my room."Night." i said. I crawwled into my bed. I hope i dont get emotional and annoying like this all the time. Because this is really starting to annoy the crap out of me.

I made sure to wake up early the next morning so i could get a ride to school.

Breakfast was pretty quiet and as i got in the car i saw no one. These swipes are cowards.

I got to school with no problem and sat down in homeroom. Stella was already sitting in the seat next to me. She said not a word and neither did i. Then Maize walked in and sat in front of me. He was lugging around a huge suitcase.

"What the hell is that for?" i asked.

"Oh i'm moving in with you." he said simply pulling out a notebook.

"What??" i screamed.

"Look you obviously cant be alone and you need to make sure youre okay."

"So you're gonna move in and tell me now?" i asked incredulosly.

How the hell is Jack gonna cope with this, and i can already hear the endless taunting of Jeremy. His squeaky little voice saying "Are you and your boyfriend gonna do sex?"My face started burning at the thought.

Then i heard a scoff from next to me. I turned to see Stella angry of course.

"So you're moving in now?" The question wasnt adressed to me obviously shes avoiding all contact with me whatsoever.

"The situation isnt even that serious? for all we know she could've imagined it"

"I dont think you're in any position to judge how serious my situation is." I sneered at her she hissed back.

"I agree with Sel this could be serious." She rolled her eyes and turned her head the other way. Her childish way of ending the conversation. I scoffed.Best friends again by the end of the week...right.

Classes went by fairly quickly and pretty soon school was over. I was dreading this because i'd have to explain to my parents i needed Maize to live with us...temporarily of course. I walked inside. "Mom, Jack?" I asked.

I heard my mom in the kitchen and walked inside. "I need to ask you a HUGE favor mom."

"Sure. what is it?"

"Can Maize stay here? For a little bit couple days tops, his dad is out of town and he has no relatives and this is the easiest most convenient place and it would mean a lot to both of us."

"Is his father ok with this?"

"Yes totally. He would really appreciate this." I actually have no idea what Vladimir's thinking. He has an obvious hatred of me i dont think he'd appreciate his son risking all of this just for some girl.

My mom sighed."Fine when does he get here?"

I smiled awkwardly and signaled Maize to come out. He did, suavelly almost tripping on his suitcase.

My mom sighed again. "Sel you and i are gonna have a long talk later on."  I gave her a huge hug and dragged Maize upstairs.

i walked into my room.

"So. Whatcha wanna do?" I said plopping on my bed.

He shrugged. "Actually i kind of want a shower."

"No prob, you know where it is."I said pointing down the hall.

 "Brb." he said.

I snorted. "Don't ever say that again." he smirked and departed down the hall.

I walked around my room shifting awkwardly not knowing what to do. We haven't talked about  that whole almost kiss thing. I have no idea what to say or do and feel so strannge. I wanted to kiss him but, i didnt want to mess anything up. Look where thats gotten me. Stumbling around my room with sweaty palms feeling completely lost.

I frowned and just turned on the flat srceen. I'm just gonna act how i always would. I put Insidious in my DVD player and watched the first couple minutes.

The little boy was in the attic and all my attention was on the movie. The boy fell and hit his head. I jumped and finally noticed Maize. I screamed.

"What?" he asked chuckling.

"Why are you naked?"  shrieked. He laughed again making my face hot.

"I'm not naked. I'm in my boxers."

"So naked! just with clothes on." He started laughing even more.

"Now that doesnt even make sense."

"Whatever, you know what i mean." I covered my eyes. "When you are decent i will reopen them."

I swear i could hear his eyes roll but i heard him rustling around in his suitcase.

"Ok Sel, i'm clothed."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I slowly opened my eyes and saw him standing in a grey top and shorts.

"Much better."

He smirked.

This is going to be a very interesting living situation i can already see.

Autobiography of Selena ElsonWhere stories live. Discover now