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We reach Phil's house, and he helps me up the stairs to his front door.
When his mum opens the door, she looks shocked to see Phil back.
But, then she looks at me.
'Dan? What happened?' She asks me, her voice soft.
Suddenly. I let out everything that has been built up inside me and start crying.
Laurel helps me up and walks me inside the house.
'Phil, go get the first aid kit from the kitchen, and a glass of water for Dan.' She says, and leads me into the living room.
She sits me down on one of the plush chairs, and sits down on an identical one in front of me.
'Dan,' she says, her voice still soft. 'What has been happening?'
Right there and then, I open up to someone about my past for the first time ever.
By the time I finish, Laurel is in tears.
She pulls me into a hug, and I sob into her shoulder.
'I am going to take you away from that monster. You and your brother are now going to be living in this house.'

Woo so original yay *sarcasm*
Anyway, here's a *slightly* longer chapter to celebrate 300 reads AND 100 votes!
Though this story may not be the most original thing so far, it will get better and 'original'.
Thank you for sticking around! xx

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