Chapter 1

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"What do you mean?"Stella asked fish braiding Claire's hair. "I mean that last night Justin Bieber the worlds famous boxer bumped into me and that's how that stuff happened afterwards."I sighed as my phone went off. "No, he's..You need to stay away from him Shay. He's done things that only cruel people would do."Claire said. "What are you guys talking about? He's just a boxer."I asked confuse. "Haven't you heard of him, Shay? Haven't you watched the news or even heard from other people?"Stella asked. "I don't know anything about the guy."I stated still confuse. "Was he alone?"She asked. "Yeah, we were in front of Fresh and Easy."I replied crossing my legs. "Did he put his hand on your shoulder or said your name?"She asked. "He said my name but he didn't touch me at all."I said not remembering him touching me.

"No, your next."Stella grasp. "What do you mean I'm next?"I asked. "Shay, he goes every where with his gang. Its a game they play. You may only see him but his gang was there. They hid in the shadows while one of them try to find a young woman to take hostage. One they take you, your never heard or seen from again. By him calling your name out loud that means that he marked you as his. They would of took you at that time but he just saved you from going missing. Its happened a lot but they never get caught, ever. By him saying your name the rest of the gang that was there knew not to mess with you. When Justin marks someone your automatically in danger with only him. The only way he's not going to um, do anything bad to you is if he falls in love with you, and ever since he's ex, its kind of hard for him to fall for anyone. To everyone, he's a famous boxer, but to his victims he's a monster. Every one of his victims end up well not normal anymore. They all end up in a mental institution paranoid. Shay, he does things to them girls and when they escape or get away no ones believes them and just say that they are crazy. He's found a liking in you and he will not let anything get in his way."Claire explained.

"Your lying. Your not suppose to go off of rumors. He looks like a nice guy and you should never judge a book by its cover. This isn't right and he is so nice to me, he may be a little mysterious but he hasn't done anything to me to make me think less of him. Your ex was in a gang and he was the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He was just raised there and his friends were nice also they were just wanting to fit in. You guys know I'm not a judging person."I sighed. "Everything is not what it seems, Shay. You really should just stay away from him. He's bad."Stella replied. I put a piece of hair behind my hair and unlocking my phone. I went to my messages and scrolled down the messages Justin were texting me before.

From Justin:

Shay if you don't answer in 5 minutes I'm going to go find you.

To Justin:

I'm okay, I'm just at a friends house sorry.

I put my phone down getting a text automatically.

From Justin:

Why were you guys talking about me? Do they not want to go to the match?

I bit my lip looking around the room. How does he know all this? I got up and walked to the window opening up the curtains. I opened up the window and stuck my head out seeing no one. It was clear no cars or anything but her pool. "Are you okay, Shay?"Claire asked getting up off her bed walking over to me concern. I turned back to the pool scanning the area. I moved back and closed the door along with locking it. "Yeah, I'm fine."I said before closing the curtains. "Are any of you guys hungry?"I asked. "Yes, I haven't ate since 5 minutes ago."Stella smiled rubbing her belly. "What do you have to eat?"I asked Claire. "Um, food why?"She asked walking to her door. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to know."I laughed grabbing my phone. We all walked downstairs into the kitchen.

We made some sandwiches and sat at the table and ate them. "Do you guys want to go to see Justin box tonight?"I asked them. "I'll go see him box, but I won't see him personally."Stella shrugged. "I have 3 tickets and we will see him then."I smiled. "If he encounters you then, I'm going the opposite direction."Claire said a little scared. "I'm right behind you sister."Stella laughed. "He's probably not as bad as people made him to be guys."I sighed. "We will let you find that out while we stay safe."Claire said with Stella nodding.

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