Chapter 16

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"Finish, Finish, Finish, Finish, Finish, urgh! I need to go to the library, I already read all these books."I sighed. "Can I go with you? I would love get this new book by the gossip girl."Em smiled. "Yes, let's go."I said getting up but soon fell to the ground. "Ow."I moaned not moving my face from the ground. I feel to heavy too. What did I eat to make me feel fat? I looked up seeing Em already gone. I sat up before feeling the urge to puke. I crawled to my bathroom and puke out my insides. I groaned as I finally stopped.

I flushed the toilet and got off the floor walking over to the sink. I brushed my teeth again and washed my hands. I walked back to my bed in this. . I got up as Emily came in completely dressed. "Are you okay? It sound like a cat was in here."She asked looking at me confuse.

"Yeah, I was just sick again."I replied. "You need to go to the doctor, Shay. You might have ate the wrong thing and you know."She said. "I'm going to ask mom to take me tomorrow, I don't like going in hospitals without holding my mom's hand."I smiled. "That's cute but you want to go before it closes?"I asked.

"Um, yeah, let's go."I smiled grabbing my books. We went into my car and drove to the local library. I got out and walked as Emily ran to the door. "Come on, you slow poke."Em smiled waiting on me to go. "I can't run if my stomach is causing me problems."I said matter of factly. She sighed out of relief when I meet her making me chuckle before going in.

I walked over to some books beginning my search on a good one or many. I sighed as I realized I'm in the pregnancy isle. I chuckled lightly at the big red sign in front of me. I walked down other isle until I got to the place where I found most of the good books. Teen Fiction. I grabbed five books and read the first chapter to all of them before loving them. I walked to the cash register letting the lady scan my books.

Emily pov

I struggled trying to reach this book that was the next series of Gossip Girl but just too high to reach. I watched another hand get it for me. I turned to them saying thank you before meeting their hazel eyes. "Your Welcome."He smiled flashing me his white perfect teeth. I blushed looking down at the way he was starring at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare but you are just so beautiful. Ever went to school here?"He asked. I shook my head looking at his library uniform. His name tag read David.

"I have my shift over in like five minutes do you want to go to Dairy Queen afterwards?"He asked shaking some of his brown hair out of his face. "Um, I-I have a, um ride with my si-sister right now."I said nervously. "No, she's all yours I'm pretty sure he could take you home afterwards."Shay said from behind me. I turned to her my eyes widening.

Yeah he's cute and everything but I just can't trust another guy, ever. I just fear that all of them are the same and I don't want to go through that. "Yes, I have my car parked out there."He said making me turn to him. I realize that in his rosy cheeks were dimples. Dimples.

"Oh, Okay."I said nervously not wanting to ever be alone with a guy. "Good I'll be back."He smiled before walking off after handing me my book. "Aw you got a cute boyfriend."Shay squealed in a whisper. "He's not my boyfriend. I barely know the dude, Shay."I replied taking a seat as she did too. "He's going to be bragging to others about you and you guys are going to be so proud and very loving towards another.

I'm so happy, Emily."She smiled. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "You know I don't ever want to be alone with a guy after that. You can't just go giving me boyfriends, Shay."I frowned. "Not every guy is like that, Emily. There are some good guys in this world, very little but still there."She said seriously into my eyes as she laid her hand on mine.

I nodded biting my lip as David came back in regular clothes. "Could we leave now, um,?"He asked. "Yeah and my name is Emily."I replied getting up as my heart started to beat fast. I bit my lip as he smiled and waved to Shay. "Bye."I said my voice kind of dry. "Bye, Em."She smiled before leaving to her car. What if he's like the other guys I have encountered? I don't know but I do know I can't trust him no not after what I been through.

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