Chapter 14

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"Mom I will be out, I'm coming back in a bit."I said going to the door in this. . "Okay, bye hun."My mom said before I closed the door. I walked to my car and drove to the prison that wasn't that far, thank god. (What ever they do just imagined it already happened lol) I smiled as I seen Justin walk over to me in orange prison suit. He looks hot in one. His hair is spiked up sort a in the quiff and he looks more tough.

"Hey, babe."I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling to him real tight. "Justin, you know you guys can't touch."The guard said making me pull back but Justin just held onto me laying his head in my neck. "Fuck off!"He yelled onto my neck. I chuckled and wrapped my arms back around him. "I miss you so much."I cried kissing his neck. He looked me in the eyes leaning his head on mine.

"When I get out of here, I'm never coming back. I can't stand not being with you, anymore."He frowned. "Good, I can't stand not being with you either. I miss you so much."I frowned. "I know, I miss you too. Where is my phone?"He asked whispering at the end. "Here is your charger too."I sniffed handing it to him. He put it in his jumpsuit. "Only 5 more months, than we get to be together."He smiled. "I just can't wait."I smiled.

"I love you so much, Shay. Nothing could ruin that, I swear."He smiled. "I love you to the moon back and nothing could ever change that."I replied pecking his nose. He smiled pressing his lips on mine giving me a sweet passionate deep french kiss. I pulled away gaining my breath from a very long time. "Justin, when you get out are you going to be in the gang still?"I asked.

"Um, I don't know."He replied looking from my eyes. "You can tell me, Justin."I replied. "Well, yeah. I'm the leader of course I'm going back."He answered. I nodded looking down from his eyes. "What's going on with you, Shay? You look different."He asked. "I do? I just cut my bangs."I replied. "No, not that. Are you gaining weight?"He asked. "What? No. Why would ever as a girl that question?"I asked a little offended. "No, I'm sorry about that. Just forget that."He shook his head.

"Its alright, now how is prison?"I asked biting the bottom of my lip. "It's I don't know, kind of like the hell hole."He shrugged. "What is the hell hole?"I asked. "High school."He simply replied. "Oh, I see. Your high school wasn't fun?"I asked. "No, not at all but I got the last laugh when most of them died."He smirked. I nodded looking down from his brown eyes not trying to show how much that scared me.

"I'm sorry, babe. I'm just a violent person to other people but you."He chuckled. I nodded making a small smile. "Why are you nodding so much?"He asked in a laugh. "I don't know, I guess I'm still upset."I replied taking a seat. "Yeah, I am too. That's why this is our last visit."He said again. Reminding me of that cruel sentence. "Yup."I sighed. Not seeing Justin is like forgetting him and is like leaving him and that means forever.

"How have you been feeling?"He asked. "I been kind of sick but during the day I feel normal."I replied. "So you wake up sick?"He asked. I nodded biting onto my lip. "What do you do? Like do you sneeze, cough, what?"He asked. "Why do you want to know?"I asked smiling. "Oh come on, babe. Let your boyfriend know. He already knows most about you let him know everything."He smirked. I chuckled before rolling my eyes. "Fine, I throw up right before I sneeze and fart at the same time."I answered. His face was priceless. "Now you know everything about me."I smirked.

"Too much information."He laughed. "Well stop wanting to know everything about me, Justin."I crossed my arms. He rolled his eyes before scooting his chair next to me. I chuckled and smiled at him. He laid his hand on my thigh pretending like he didn't even know. He moved it up more making me my hand on top of his. "What? I need to know everything about you, Shay."He smirked. "Your so disturbing, Justin."I laid my head on his neck laughing.

He sighed pulling me closer to him by my waist. "I'm going to miss you more."I sighed. "I'm going to miss you the most because we are on a schedule and well there is going to be a lot of men around me."He sighed. "Sucks to be you around all them hairy sweaty men."I smirked. "Hey, don't pick on me."He frowned from my teasing. "Fine."I laughed.

"What are you doing?"I asked laughing hard. "Your so ticklish."He smirked stop tickling me. "Justin?"I asked. "Yeah?"He asked. "Do you ever want to get married and have kids in the future?"I asked. "Um, probably when I'm old like thirty."He replied. "Your not going to be old at thirty."I smiled.

"Well I want to wait until I'm thirty. I don't want any of that now."He corrected himself. I nodded looking up at him. "I agree that way you know for sure who you want to BS with."I smiled. "It's you, I already know."He said pecking my lips. I giggled pecking his back.

"It's time to go now."The guard spoke to everyone in the room. I frowned and stood up. He did also pulling me close to him by my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his lips closer mine.

He smiled kissing me hard and full of passion. I kissed back even harder savoring his sweet pink lips. He pulled away making tears build up in my eyes. I forced a smile as he told me goodbye frowning as well. "Bye, Justin."I waved as I watched him walked away before a tear slid down my eye.

I soon found myself at my car through the tears. I searched for my keys before getting in. I drove right back home getting out. I walked inside seeing my dad who I am currently mad at, watching tv.

"Oh, Shay, your back."Em smiled. "Yeah, I am."I forced a smile. "Are you okay?"She asked. "Yeah I'm great."I lied. "You know you can talk to me right?"She asked. I sighed nodding. "Come talk to me in my room, please."I said before jogging up the stairs. She followed going into my room. I sat on my bed as she followed. "Before we start, I know your back with Justin."She said.


Hey guys! So she knows! ;) lol smart girl. Ha, lol so talk to me guys! Lol thanks for reading and tell me you guys opinion! :) lol tell me! :)

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