Chapter 25 ~ I Learn a Little About the Fantastic Four

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"You've got to be kidding me." I say to Maddie as soon as she says that she has an outfit picked out for me. I always wear joggers and a t-shirt. Or maybe skinny jeans and a t-shirt. But I have a feeling that Maddie has different plans.

"Here ya go!" She says shoving the bag at me and pushing me towards the bathroom. After Maddie had told me about the outfit, Evan dropped us off at our hotel room.

"Take a shower while you're in there!" Maddie says, closing the door.

I glare at the closed door for a while before finally deciding to look down at the bag in my hand. I don't recognize the brand on the side, but then again this is England. I decide that I will see what Maddie bought after my shower. I am just about to take off my shirt, when the door swings open and a small hand throws in a pair on my boxers.

"You might need these!" Maddie yells, and I stand in disbelief that my adopted daughter/ cousin just went through my clothes and threw me a pair of boxers. What a great parent I am.


I dry my hair off and finally take a look inside the bag. I pull out all the articles of clothing and am shocked to find that it is not horrible. I was expecting something ridiculous, but Maddie had picked out a rather simple outfit. A faded blue-green jacket and a white t-shirt completed the top half, while dark wash skinny jeans and white converse completed the rest of the outfit. I smiled and began to get dressed.

When I finished, I decided to show Maddie the final product of her work. I step out of the bathroom and find her brushing her hair on the bed. She looks up at me when she hears the door open.

"Not bad," she said, looking at my outfit.

"But what about your hair?"


After about two hours and a lot of styling, we were both ready. Maddie kept trying to fix up my hair, but I would just smack her hand away, reminding her she spent at least 20 minutes getting it to look like that. As for Maddie's outfit, well she was wearing some fancy shirt and leggings. Apparently that is 'in style' for 12 year olds. I tried to help her with her hair, but I couldn't even mange my own. I feel bad that she doesn't have someone to help her with those kinds of things, but I am definitely not your guy. She ended up leaving her hair straight, which I think is fine either way. I know she wants to make a good impression on the boys, but she is 12. I don't really think they will care too much what she looks like. As for me, I only wore this outfit to make Maddie happy, which it seems to have done.

I send a quick text to Evan, letting him know that we are finally ready to go.

He quickly texts back saying that he will be there in five.


"Well look at that! The little girl is pretty good." Evan says when he sees Maddie and I walk out of our room. I laugh and look down at my outfit. "I guess she is." I reply, looking at Maddie who has a proud look on her face. I remind myself that the whole reason I'm here is for her, and it helps with my mood.

Evan walks with us down the hall, him on my left and Maddie on my right. We make casual conversation and I am glad that we seem to get along because we will be spending loads of time together. When we make it to the car, I ask if I can sit up front, to which Evan agrees only because my face is not well-known yet. Maddie sits in the back.

"So, what are the boys like?" I ask as Evan pulls into the road.

"Well," replies Evan, "I have never been their full-time body guard so I don't know exactly what they are like, but I have been with them long enough to know their main personalities. Also, Paul, the boys' main bodyguard, was my in-the-field teacher, so we are pretty close. Paul really does treat them like sons, and they are always his number one priority. But anyway, I only know the main personalities of the boys but I can tell you what I know. Liam is sort of the leader, so to say. He is dependable and is able to handle almost any situation with ease. He is also very kind hearted and doesn't like unnecessary conflict. He will talk to anyone about anything and he makes you forget that you're talking to someone famous. Zayn is shy until you get to know him. He is very caring and protective over his family and friends. He also is a great artist and a great person to talk to when you need advice. Louis is very outgoing and will talk non-stop if you let him. He always has something to say and he always says what is on his mind. He is also very care-free and he doesn't seem to have any worries. Harry is sometimes shy, but usually goes for what he wants. He protects his family and friends and has good morals. He is also dependable like Liam but can also be wild like Louis. All in all, they are good people who just happened to become famous."

That was a lot of information and I am still trying to process it all. But I was right about one thing. I definitely like Liam the best. Even Evan's description of him sounded like he will be a great friend. Although I'm not here to make friends. But I guess having someone to talk to other than Maddie and Evan could be a good thing.


We finally pull up at a restaurant and I am surprise to see that it is a diner and not some fancy place. My guess is that it was easier to vacate than a fancy place.

Evan pulls the car right up to the front door and gestures for Maddie and I to get out. "Aren't you coming?" I ask Evan, not wanting to go in alone. We've only know each other for a day and a half, but when Maddie was shopping today all we did was talk and I now consider him a friend. I even told him that I don't want to be here, at which he laughed at.

"Do you want me to come in?" Evan asks with his eyebrow raised.

"Yes!" I nod my head. "Don't make me go in with only Maddie." I mouth to him so that Maddie didn't hear that. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but knowing her she would let me sit there awkwardly while she talked up a storm. I didn't want it to be awkward, and I knew Evan would talk to me.

Evan just laughs. "Go ahead and go in. I'll park the car and then meet you in there." He smiles at me as I thank him and slide out of the car.

"Done making friends?" Maddie asks when Evan drives away to find a spot.

"Evan is a nice guy." I say and shrug my shoulders. Maddie rolls her eyes. "Well are we gonna go in?"

"What's gotten into you?" I ask, as she usually doesn't give me attitude.

"Um, how about my idols are waiting for us in this diner and you are more interested in talking to the bodyguard. Come on, you know how much I love One Direction! How can you not realize how exciting this is! I'M GOING TO EAT DINNER WITH THEM! SO LETS GO PLEASE!"

Woah. She has been acting so calm lately that I almost forgot that she passed out when she found out about this trip. I mean, she is still 12, and is excited to spend time with her favorite band.

"Alright, let's go." I say and she just replies, "Finally!"

I open the door for her and she walks in. I follow her and immediately realize I was right. The diner was vacated except for a big booth towards the back. Maddie of course tries not to run to the table that the 4 band members are sitting at. I notice that she is restraining herself and I laugh to myself. She doesn't even know these people! How could she love them so much? I guess that's just something I'll always have to wonder.

I grab Maddie's hand and she squeezes it to release some of her energy. Then we walk towards the booth in the back.

Hey guys! I know you were probably expecting them to meet again, but I'm trying to build the characters up in the story. Sorry if anyone is frustrated or annoyed. Do you think I am taking it too slow?? Idk. Tell me in the comments. Love you all, and...
Stay extraordinarry!

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