Chapter 3 ~ Three Days, $3,000 And A Whole Lot Of Pink

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Dedicated to Redlyn28 for dedicating the next chapter of her book "You and I" to me. It is really good, you should check it out! :D

"What?" I say, totally not expecting that. I mean, what would your reaction be if your best friends just decide to tell you that they think you should adopt a child. I mean, I didn't even think of that!

"Well, you said nobody was stepping up to take her, your parents will only keep her for so long, and you have a well-paying job at the diner. So, why wouldn't you take her?" Kate said, trying to convince me.

"I don't even know what to say. " I said honestly.

"Well then just tell us you'll think about it." Sam reasoned with me.

"I will think about it for you guys." I said as we left the little café in the mall.


And I did. Think about adopting Maddie, that is. It was a really hard decision, but Sam and Kate had a point.

It has now been two weeks since my parents took in Maddie, and they are only going to keep her for another week. They are trying desperately to find someone they can trust to take her, but no one has come through. Maddie is a good kid, but any kid is a lot of work and most people just don't want to put up with that.

I feel really bad for her. She is old enough to know what is going on, therefore she knows that no one is stepping up to take her. My mother tells me that she just brushes it off, acting like she could care less, but at night, both of my parents can hear her crying, asking why no one wants her. She is so strong for a twelve year old. I mean, I don't know any other kid that age that would be able to act like they are fine after all that has happened to her. Maybe that is why I decided to take her in. I don't really know exactly what it was, but my decision was made. I was going to have a daughter.


As soon as I told Sam and Kate about my plans, they both squealed and hugged me. You would think that two 22 year olds would have a more mature way to show their excitement, but not these two. They are wild. That's one of the main reasons that we got along so well. We are all a little bit crazy.

Sam immediately whipped out his phone.

"Who are you calling?" I asked, confused.

"Your parents! Duh." He replied. I lunged at him and grabbed the phone right out of his hands.

"Hey! What was that for?" He asked while trying to get his phone back.

"No one is calling anybody until I have everything planned out." I said while slipping Sam's phone into my pocket.

"He has a point." Kate says, looking over at me. "Plus, I love interior designing."


Three days, over $3,000 and a whole lot of pink is what it took to turn my extra bedroom into a room fit for a twelve year old princess. Seriously, when Kate gets something done, she is 'go all out or go home'.

Right now, we are sitting in my living room taking a break to celebrate the finished project. I will admit, it looks really good, Kate did an amazing job. All I can say is, I hope that Maddie isn't the type of girl to change her complete style every two years, because I would definitely be broke.

Sam and Kate are sitting on either side of me on my couch. We are all looking at the phone in my hands. I am about to call my parents and tell them that I am adopting Maddie. I haven't told them anything yet because I wanted to be absolutely sure that I was ready for her.

"If you don't call in the next ten seconds, I will snatch that phone out of your hands and dial your parents myself." Kate mutters impatiently.

"Alright, alright. Take a chill pill. Geez." I quickly dial my parents number. My mom picks up on the second ring.


"Hi mom." I said, and for some reason I felt kind of nervous.

"Hi honey. I haven't heard from you in a few days. What have you been up to?" She asked.

Sam and Kate whisper for me to put it on speaker phone. I do as they tell me before answering my mom.

"Well, that's what I'm calling for. Mom, I found someone who can take Maddie." I blurt out. She is silent for a few seconds.

"How? I asked everyone that I could think of in the family." She said confused.

"Well, you forgot someone." I replied.

"Who?" She asked, still sure that she got everyone.


Hehe. Just telling you now, I LOVE you will be seeing a lot of those! I am evil...I know. ;)

Stay exraordinarry! ;D

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