Chapter 7 ~ Maddie Carries Four Grown Men

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Dedicated to lxvingzayn because she is a wonderful person, and is like a sister the me. She is truly perfect, so you should go follow her. She deserves it! Love you! <3

Oh my god.

Every inch of Maddie’s room was covered in One Direction pictures. I am not even exaggerating. All of her walls, her dresser, her door, her night stand, her desk were covered in pictures of the four boys. It was hard to even see what was what. In the corner of the room, she also had four life-size cardboard cut outs of the band members. It was insane. Her bedspread also had four smiling faces on it.

“Wow.” I said, and tried not to show the frown that I was thinking about. Because there is only one problem:

I hate One Direction.                             

Their music is fine, but I don’t listen to it often. I mean, a boy band? Just because I am gay doesn’t mean I like this kind of stuff. These boys are obviously way too famous for their own good and it is only a matter of time before it all goes bad. But, honestly, I just really don’t like them. End of story.

“Aren’t they all gorgeous?” Maddie asks, already pulling pictures off the wall carefully. She began looking at each one lovingly before stacking them in a pile.

I had to admit, the one with the brown curly hair and the green eyes was pretty attractive, but he was still part of One Direction, so I didn’t give it another thought. Sam, Kate and I were assigned different parts of the room, and we slowly got working on what we had to pack up, which was basically everything except furniture. We put on some music (unfortunately all Maddie had was One Direction CDs) and we got to work.


“Well, I think that’s it.” Kate says as she closes the lid on the last box. We had spent a good four hours packing away all of Maddie’s things.

Sam and I began to carry the packed boxes out to my truck, and loading them into the tailgate. I kept the cardboard cut outs on her room, hoping she wouldn’t notice. After they were all in, we went to get the girls.

“You guys ready to go?” I ask and Maddie looks over at me.

“Sure. Let’s go.” She smiles at me and leads the way out of the door. We all pile into the truck and as I am about to pull away, Maddie yells at me to stop.

“What is the matter?” I ask, not knowing what we forgot.

“I just forgot something. I will be right back.” She slips out of the truck and runs toward the house without another word.

The front door swings back open, and I see Maddie carrying all four cardboard cut outs. Of course she wouldn’t forget them.

“I almost forgot!” She exclaimed, out of breath.

“Yeah. That would have been a shame.” I say under my breath. If Maddie heard me, she ignored it, and simply put the cut outs in the tailgate before hopping into the passenger’s seat.

“Let’s get out of here.” She says with a smile.


We drop Sam and Kate off at their houses, thanking them for their help. They offer to help unpack, but Maddie and I can handle it. After that, we head back home.

I unload the heavy boxes, and Maddie gets the ones full of posters that are not that heavy. We set them all down in her new bedroom. It is so full in the room that we have to leave some of the boxes in the hallway. The creepy cardboard cut outs are in the hall too.

Finally we take a break to eat lunch. I make my best meal: sandwiches. I’ll admit, I am not much of a cook. The only things that I can really cook are eggs and soup. For some reason, I have always been good at making soup.

We finish eating, and decide to take the rest of the day off. Maddie says that she is okay with leaving the boxes in her room for a night. I decide to head to my room to take a nap.


After I make dinner (soup), we head our separate ways again. I head to my room and decide to check twitter, which is a rare thing for me to do. I had twelve thousand and fifty three. About twenty more than last time. I am bored, so I decide to look at Sam’s profile. He is still popular as ever. I quickly get bored again, so this time I just close the app and play on one of my games, with are much more entertaining. Slowly, I begin to feel tired, so I set my phone on my dresser and lay back in bed before falling asleep.


I wake up in the middle of the night and I really need a drink of water. I get up and let my eyes adjust before getting up. I slowly tiptoe (so not to wake Maddie) into the hall. Once I walk out, I see a black figure standing there. I panic, because the figure is standing right in front of Maddie’s door. Quietly, I creep back into my room and grad the bat that sits next to my bed. Then, I slowly creep back out into the hallway and lunge at the black figure, hitting it with my bat. I fall over because the amount of force I put into the swing, and it was like hitting cardboard. Then realization hit me as hard as I hit the figure. My face flushed as I lay there on the ground.

I hit a freaking piece of cardboard.

Sup guys! Sorry if there was any confusion with the "temporarily on hold" stuff. I had my laptop taken away (long story). I am still not allowed to have it, but I sneak it just for you guys! :P So, if I am inconsistant with my writing, I apologize, but it was either this, or no updates at all. I chose this option, so I hope you all understand.   And Liam hat picture! Lol, this one made me laugh! XD

Stay extraordinarry!

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