Love and Betrayal

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So I watched The Huntsmen: Winter's War a few couple weeks ago and I have to say that it was AMAZING!! So this one shot is based on the movie so there might be some spoilers so be cautious.

- Fanart made by me :3 but if you wanna use the music for the feels then your more than welcome.


- So this is based on universe between Assassins Creed (obviously :3) and Winter's War (if you do not know what that is... Search it up xD)

- During flashbacks 'Sample' is when a person is talking in the present while telling the flashbacks

- The custom of clothing: Why am I explaining this?? xD In the flashbacks Arno uses the original clothing he used for Unity and for the present Arno uses the outfit from the Dead Kings DLC. Jacob in the flashbacks uses the one he uses during the main beginning of Syndicate and uses the Outsdoormen outfit in the present.

- Both Arno and Jacob are known as Huntsmen not Assassins but are trained like Assassins and have the same gear and weapons

- Henry and Bellic are in this fanfic, as Arno's helpers who are making the same journey.

- Both Jacob and Arno resemble the characters Eric and Sara from the Huntsmen

- Jacob and Arno are married ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

Hope you enjoy


- Present Day -

Arno stiffened a bit when he saw a figure looking at him. He tried to move his hands but they couldn't even make a single movement. His vision focused as he saw that familiar face that he always wished to see over the last 3 years.

'It can't be... Is this even real?' Arno thought; he didn't believed this until the man spoken with the same voice that Arno has longed to hear. "You've aged" The man said still looking at Arno as he was putting more wood at the fire. "Jacob." Arno said as he tried to stand up to embrace him but only to find out that both of his legs are tied up.

"Isn't that man his husband, or something?" Henry Green asked Bellic who were both also tied up in a position Arno was in. "I thought he was dead." Bellic chuckled as Arno looked at him and looked at Jacob back. Jacob said in a hard and dissapointed voice, "Is that what you told everyone?" He rose up and walked at where a tied up Arno was. Right there, Jacob pulled out from his coat, a throwing knife, he then placed the knife against his throat. "You poor heartbroken widower."

"I can expla-" Jacob interrupted Arno as he once spoke in a cold voice. 'Stand or Fall' you said... You swore it."

{Flash back}

In the night in which both Jacob and Arno would flee from the kingdom that belonged to the ice queen. They both have won wars and conquered lands. But one day they swore their love to each other as a married couple...

But that moment did not last forever...

'I know how this story goes..." The Ice Queen said as she has stopped the both men from leaving. "The both lovers meet in secret to leave and begin a life of their own with happyness and... Love." The two huntsmen see how the Ice Queen saw them with Anger. They both knew that they broke an important law... 'Do not love at any kind' "I wonder how this story ends... Do you want to leave?" The both men nodded waiting for a response from the queen. "Very well, go to each other and be off." The queen said plainly but she also had other plans on how to stop them. As the both men tried to embrace each other they were stopped by an ice wall that the queen cast.

"If you can..."

Arno puts his hand in the cold ice wall as Jacob looked above it to see if there was another way out. But another figure came behind Jacob. Which was Evie.

"Look out!" Arno shouted to Jacob. But it was already too late.

The blade hit Jacob's back and stomach and his back meet the icy wall covering it in crimson blood.

"NOOO!!" Arno shouted while he punched the hard ice wall that kept them both separated. But no matter the pain that came from his bruised and bloody knuckle, Arno only wanted to be by Jacob. But there was nothing he can do with the wall of ice in his way. He gave up.

- Flashback End -

"No. I saw you die with my own eyes. Evie killed you." Arno tried to explain. "Not in my eyes. I saw you fight then I saw you run."

Arno couldn't believe what he was hearing from the person he loves. Him abandoning Jacob? "Above all people you should know, Evie would never kill me." "I-" Arno attempt to speak but Jacob hold him off. "She put in her dungeon for 5 years, and after I escaped I swore I would find you. Now here we are." "You would honestly believe that I would abandon you?" Arno asked Jacob. "Yes, I do." He said plainly with his Kukri blade ready the slit his throat is he wanted to. "Then go ahead. Kill me. If your face is the last thing that I'm meant to see, then I'm grateful." Arno said at his husband as he awaits the sight of death in his eyes.

But Jacob had changed his mind after he saw the memories of them two growing up in a frozen wasteland. He lowered his blade down and kissed Arno as he as well kissed back.

"I don't like him. Not one bit." Belec said as he and Henry saw the two lovers work out their situations aside.


I should make a Fanfiction of this. xD

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