Car Moment

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"Here let me get it." Arno said as he opened the car door holding their daughter, Kara who was about 10 months old. While Jacob was holding the two enormous bags of groceries. 

"Thanks." Jacob said as he put the groceries in the car. Arno was about to give Kara to Jacob but sadly said, "Arno, maybe you should get Kara in her seat."

"Why?" Arno said as he saw Jacobs expression. "I might hit her head on the door or pinch her with the seatbelt."

Arno sighed "Jacob, how long are you going to keep judging yourself? You've done a lot of things that I couldn't do for Kara. You signed all the adoption papers and those were a pain in the ass."

Jacob sighed as he said, "Yeah, maybe your right..."

"Now. Who are the best and awesome fathers in the world?" Arno said. "We are." Jacob said. "I can't hear you~" Arno said in a happier tone to make Jacob confident about himself. "We are!" Jacob said louder now realizing that they both were a team.

Arno went to kiss Jacob's lips and went to the drivers seat but when Jacob closed the passenger seat where Kara was...

"Um, Arno?" "Yeah?" "I think i locked Kara inside the car..." Jacob said with concern as Arno went to see if the other doors were unlocked but they weren't. "Jacob don't tell you left the keys in the grocery bag!" Arno yelled. "I left the keys in the bag!" "Oh for Christ-" Arno said as he went to to get something to break the window. "Arno don't freak out!" Jacob yelled as he got his phone and called an emergency assistance.

"Emergency Assistance, how can we help you?" The operator said as Arno came back with a small silver trashcan. "Hello? We locked our baby in the car and everyone is judgeing us." Jacob said as he tried to calm himself down.

"I swear to god I'm going to break it!" Arno yelled in a high pitched voice as he was approaching the vehicle. "Please sir, tell your wife that everything is going to be okay." The operator said. With a confused look Jacob corrected her by saying, "That's my husband." "Really?" The operator said.

"Don't worry Kara! Daddy's coming for you!" Arno said to Kara. "Don't break the window you'll get glass on her!" Jacob said moving in front of him to stop him.

"Sir we sent a signal the doors should be unlock." The operator said with a beep sound on the other end of the lind. "Check the doors." Jacob said to Arno as he threw the trashcan to the ground. Arno checked the door where Kara was in. "The doors aren't opening!" Arno said starting to panic again. Then he tried one more time and the door opened.

Both men sighed in relief as they see their daughter laughing at the sight of her dads. "That's amazing. How did they do that?" Arno said astonished. "I don't know." Arno looked up at the sky and said, "Did that come from space?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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