My Ghoul babies!

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Rot face woke up laying on the queen size bed of the misstress,he look at his left,and noticed Edward laying besides him.
Rot i remember..Dean Domino screw us up.
Edward:(murmured)Yes,he did.
Rot face look at Edward.
Rot face:You look like shit.
Edward:Mm,you don't look good yourself,Rot face.
Rot face:Can you blame?
Edward:Not really,Dean shitted our beautiful faces.
Rot face:But we do look quite the mistress...too bad I won't be here for long,before she tries to kick me out again.
Edward:Maybe,maybe not. Master consider us her little toys to play with,we have reasons to be her sex slaves,she gave us one's,why are you in her nerves? no one knows,but only her. I think she wants you to stay,even though she's pretending to be gone out of her life forever...She's a strange woman.
Rot Face:Fhee,but ain't she a beauty?

Dean Domino it's standing in the door way,leaning back against the wall and smokes out.
Dean Domino:Like the Sierra Madre.(In a romantic tone and blows out the smoke out of his mouth)
Rot face and Edward jump out of the bed,confused looking at Dean.
Edward:You an the damn Sierra Madre!
He exclaimed.
Rot face:Means a lot to you,huh buddy?
Dean Domino:I pity you. She wants nothing to do with you. Too bad,more room for me then.
Edward:Damn it Dean it ain't fair for us.
Dean Domino:Is it my fault that I'm the first ghoul she ever lay eyes on? You guys are just side shows and sad junk food commercials..while I'm the big Star of her own world.I'm her whole buffet all you can eat,breakfast,dinner,dessert-all of it.I pleased her appetite.We all can dream can we?
He smoke out of his cigarette again.
Edward:It ain't like that kept her from bringing us home.
Dean Domino:You poor bastards are just stray dogs who are just getting pays ,your nothing. I'm still her favorite,she doesn't stop you from leaving her,she could careless,she's already done with you-ain't that the little letters you can't see? Ain't that a red flag? You didn't seemed to mind,your all her whores .
Rotface :And so are you.
Dean :What did you say?
Rot face:You heard me.
They both got out of the mistress Room and went to the kitchen.

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