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Varun P.O.V.

I was on my phone as I waited to be called for shoot. It started buzzing in my hand, my game being interrupted by a phone call. Unfortunately, my phone was on loud so everyone heard the ringtone, alerting everyone on set that I was getting a phone call. I cursed myself for setting individual contact ringtones because now everyone knows that Alia was calling me.

Everyone stared at me curiously as I declined the call, used to me answering Alia's calls no matter what I'm doing. Sid made his way over to me as I went back to my game. 'Everything alright?' He asked.

'Uh-huh. Why d'you ask?' I pretended I didn't know why he was asking.

'You just ignored a call from Alia. You've never ignored a call from Alia.'

'First time for everything.' I said with a shrug.

'What's going on?' He queried.


'I don't believe that. Why are you ignoring your best friend?'

'Because she's being stupid. I told her she needs to start taking better care of herself and she got all pissy with me. If she doesn't want to look after herself, I'm not going to talk to her.'

'Varun, if she's not looking after herself and you're not there to look after her, what's going to happen?'

'I don't care. She can learn that she can't always depend on me.' I lied. Sid didn't reply, probably sensing that arguing would be futile.

Sid P.O.V.

The whole day, Varun ignored Alia's calls, even switched off his phone so that he wouldn't have to answer. I was sure that I wouldn't be able to deal with his moodiness for much longer so I called Pari that night and we came up with a plan to get them to talk. Thankfully we all had the weekend off so we could actually make this work.

I called Varun and invited him over to my house that weekend, telling him I wanted to chill. Pari said she would get Alia over here. She didn't say anything about how but I trust her.

Varun's just got here so now all I have to do is wait for the girls to show up and then the fun begins.

Alia P.O.V.

When Pari called me to go over to hers, I agreed because I had nothing else to do and because I needed to get my mind off of Varun.

Turns out it was a bad idea.

About half an hour after I got to Pari's house, she got a phone call from Sid, inviting us both over. Of course, Pari jumps at any chance to spend time with Sid so she immediately said yes without even asking me. I tried to get her to go by herself but she refused, insisting that she would feel way too awkward if she were to spend time alone with Sid.

Eventually, after a half hour conversation about why Pari should not be left alone with Sid, I agreed, mainly because she has a very overactive imagination that comes up with the weirdest scenarios.

Almost as soon as we got to Sid's, I began to regret giving in.

Sid opened the door and allowed us in before leading us to the sitting room and asking us if we wanted anything to eat or drink, being the good host he always is. As usual, I declined and Pari said she'd go raid his kitchen if she wanted food so went straight past the kitchen to the living room.

I stopped in my tracks as we walked through the door and I saw the one person I didn't want to think about sat on the sofa. 'Varun?' I asked, feeling very confused and extremely annoyed with the two people that had probably arranged this. He turned to face me but didn't speak, choosing to silently glare at me instead. I decided not to pay attention to him and turned to Pari. 'Did you know he was going to be here?' She didn't answer but stared at the floor a little guiltily. 'You two set this up didn't you?' I questioned, turning to Sid. He avoided my gaze as well, giving me my answer. 'Really guys? What was the need? We're old enough to sort our own problems out.'

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