Chapter 30

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A/N: Pushing them through some hurdles so we can get to what I know you're all anticipating! SOON. I'm not ready to end this story just yet ;) Oh and to my readers who have grown to love Leo, his backstory is revealed in this chapter. Enjoy! Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting!! Xo


Jamie wasn't thrilled with the idea of selling our relationship for an interview. It took some convincing, a little begging, and a lot of time between the sheets, but he finally agreed. I tried to also remind myself that it would be worth it to open up a little and maybe calm unnecessary speculation. People would always speculate, but we could make it harder for them to back up their claims if there were quotes from the sources themselves; us.

After arriving back in New York, I met with Victoria to catch up on everything that had happened in our respective lives. Mine had been a whirlwind since I met Jamie, which she knew and understood, but I needed to do a better job of not letting my other relationships falter. It was refreshing to catch up with her; we had a heart-to-heart over a bottle of wine and pasta. She'd been such a positive supporter since Jamie had come into my life, and I was beyond ecstatic to have her stand beside me the day of our wedding. However, before we parted ways she'd given it to me straight, offering a sound piece of advice. Something to consider prior to moving forward with plans for the big day and the interview.

I twisted the key to unlock the door, stepping in to find Jamie with his feet on the coffee table, beer in one hand, television remote in the other.

"Hey baby," he said.

"Hi," I muttered. A residual scent of greasy pizza filled the air, and I smiled when I saw the box on the counter from our favorite place.

"How was dinner? How's Victoria?"

I walked through our apartment, setting my purse down in place of the pizza as I moved it to the refrigerator where it belonged.  I decided to go ahead and grab a beer to join him.

"Good," I said as the cold air rushed out when I closed the door. "Things are getting serious between her and that gym trainer. She introduced him to her fam over the holidays."

Walking back into the living room, I twisted off the bottle cap and plopped down on the chair diagonal from him. He broke his attention from the TV to smile at me.

"But I know you don't care about girl talk."

I kicked my shoes off, laying my legs on top of his. He turned off the TV before picking up my foot from his lap and began massaging it.

"I do care, actually. I'm glad she's happy. Where'd you end up going?"

I moaned softly as he pressed his strong fingers in all the right spots, trying to focus on the question. "The new steakhouse down the street. Pretty good food, we'll have to go sometime."

He switched to my other foot. "It's a plan. Speaking of plans..." he started, and I somehow knew what was coming. "We need to figure out the details for this interview. You're going to get hounded the instant someone sees you wearing my ring. The sooner everyone knows the better. No more hiding."

I sighed, he was right. We needed to get the ball rolling. I'd thankfully dodged the paparazzi thus far, but my luck would run out. "I know. But I wanted to run something by you first."

He briefly stopped rubbing, and I knew he was bracing himself for my next crazy idea. He eyed me suspiciously as his hands moved up my ankles to massage my calves.

"I think I want—" I wasn't sure how to word it. I felt like either way I was going to sound weak and vulnerable. "Well, maybe the two of us could—"

Endlessly (Jamie Dornan) *COMPLETED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora