Chapter 2- Painted Glass

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As I make my way down the path I can hear Louis running being me shouting " Wait don't go it's to dark!" I quickly start running as fast as I can. I don't need anyone interfering with my chances on friends. As I start to run faster Louis's voice Is drownded out by the raceing of my heart and my footsteps. It was now a one hour later and I could not find any paths to get back.

"What did I run out here for ahhhhh!" I screamed with rage. Wow great so now I was so deep in the woods and probaly lost by this point so needed to find a way out but where. So I started running again in hope of a quicker start for the morning

"Ow!"I screamed very loud. I had triped over into something sharp and it was now puncturing my left hand. I looked down and it was a colorful piece of glass. This glass glowed in the moonlight and looked brand new so there must be a near by house or something but it was getting really dark and I was now really tiered so I followed down a path of stones untill I could no more so I stopped and drifted off into the most relaxing sleep ever.

"Oh my god what is this?" I thought. I was now in some other area where its colorfull and nice looking but most of this seems pretty weird.

"Where the hell am I?" I wispered under my breath. All of this happened in a pretty fast manner. I do not like it at all. Up ahead was the path I was following last night only this time it had an end.

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