Oxygen- Shots Fired

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      Ryan drove down the street to pick up Lego from Mark and Matt's house. [Y/N] and Daniel were at their new home, Daniel was napping in his crib and [Y/N] was unboxing their belongings.
      Ryan turned onto their street and pulled into the driveway. He turned the key and shut off his car, opening the door after. He stepped out and Lego ran out the front door to greet him. "I've missed ya boy!" Ryan ruffled Lego's fur and Lego jumped around him. "Ready to go boy?" Lego responded with a  loud bark. "Mark! Where's his leash?" Ryan yelled up to Mark who stood in the door way of the front door.
     "Around his neck." Mark laughed.
     "Oh. Alright. I'll see you later then."
    Ryan lifted Lego into the back seat of his car, and Lego obediently sat in the seat next to Daniel's baby seat. "Good boy." Ryan turned his head to back out of the drive way. Ryan drove back home, letting Lego out to explore the front yard. Ryan pushed open the front door to find most of the boxes thrown away, their contents unloaded into their neat places around the house. Daniel and [Y/N] lie in the middle of the living room floor.
     "I'm home." Ryan said, as if it weren't obvious, Daniel lie on his back as [Y/N] closely watched him. "So is Lego." Ryan said, as Lego charged through the open front door.
     " I see that." [Y/N] looked up at Ryan and sat up. "He's excited to be home. With us."
[Y/N]  focused on Lego as he jumped about the house.
      "I'm nervous of him being around the baby." Ryan looked at Daniel.
      "Same here." [Y/N] picked up Daniel and sat on her knees.
      "Lego!" Ryan called to his dog. Lego bounded towards them. Ryan squatted down to pet Lego when Lego charged at [Y/N] and Daniel. [Y/N] ran with the baby in her arms.
      "Ryan!" [Y/N] screamed as Lego jumped, nipping at [Y/N]'s arm.
      "Lego! Stop!" Ryan yelled at his dog. "Lego!"
      "Lego, NO!" [Y/N] turned her back. lego jumped and bit Daniel's arm. "LEGO" [Y/N] screamed, kicking the door. Daniel's arm bled.
      "LEGO!" Ryan tugged at his dogs collar. Lego jumped up, pushing Ryan off. Lego jumped, getting ahold on Daniel.
       "LEGO!" [Y/N] turned. Daniel screamed and then he went silent.  "Oh my fucking god, Ryan call animal control. [Y/N] ran with tears in her eyes. She was corned by Lego who cornered her.
      "DANIEL!" Ryan yelled. Lego jumped up a last time, causing [Y/N] to lose her balance and fall. [Y/N] tried to catch herself, but both Daniel and [Y/N] hit the floor, Lego rabidly trying to attack Daniel. [Y/N] kicked him back. "RYAN CALL THE POLICE!"
     Ryan took out his phone and hurriedly called. "Uh- son, attacked by, dog." Ryan said out of breath, then he hung up. "Lego you SON OF A BITCH!" Ryan screamed, giving his dog a big kick. Daniel wasn't screaming or crying.
     "Ryan!" [Y/N] cried. The police arrived and an ambulance. The police shot Lego, scaring Ryan as he jumped back. His dog on is side. "What the hell?!" Ryan yelled.
      "Get the child to the ambulance." The police officer commanded. [Y/N] ran out the door with her blood covered son, Ryan following.

Oxygen-Sequel to "Gasoline"|| Ryan x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant