Oxygen- Not Again

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"FUCK NO!" Ryan yelled. The nurse in the ambulance rushed around the tiny space, tending to Daniel. "I can't lose another Daniel..." Ryan muttered, "to a fucking dog." Blood was on Daniel's arm. He had a strong bite on his chest and back. The drive wasn't long, Daniel was rushed to an emergency room. Ryan and [Y/N] waited outside the room for a moment, before seeing their bloody son.
"Punctured on the arm and chest..." The doctor said.
"Is my son... My baby... Is he going to be fucking okay?" Ryan held his head in his hands as he sat next to the hospital bed that Daniel lie in.
"He's unconscious from what we can tell." The doctor backed away.
"fuck.." Ryan muttered. The memories of Daniel, Daniel Kyre, rushed back to him. The rush, only to find out his best friend didn't make it. Now his son...
[Y/N] sat in a chair, sobbing. She held onto Daniel's tiny hand. "Ryan..." [Y/N] looked at him. Ryan broke into tears. "Ry-Boo... It's gonna be okay." [Y/N] said with tears in her own eyes.
"Why do they leave so soon..." Ryan shook his head.
"Ryan, he will make it!"
"No he fucking won't!" Ryan yelled. "They said the same thing about Daniel... My brother."
"Yes he will!" [Y/N] lowered her voice. "I know he will."
"If only I didn't fucking bring Lego..." Ryan blamed himself.
"Ryan, stop..." [Y/N] eyes were filled with fear.
"Fuck this..." Ryan sobbed. "I don't want to lose another one..."
"Ryan, there is ho-"
"No there isn't." Ryan was filled with doubt.
"Just let the doctor do his job, everything will be okay..." [Y/N] muttered, hoping Ryan would hear, he did; he just didn't listen.
"Why." Ryan ran his fingers through his hand. "Life fucking hates me."
"Stop over reacting. " [Y/N] pleaded.
The beep. The noise Ryan hated. Daniel has passed. "7:36pm, June 8th." The doctor announced. "I'm sorry..."
       "WHAT THE FUCK." Ryan yelled. "Daniel, baby boy, please... Ryan stood up and leaned over his likely body. "DANIEL!" Ryan pulled him up to his chest.
     [Y/N] sat in shock. Her tears dried. "Daniel don't fucking leave me..." Ryan hugged his lifeless son. "Why so soon..." Ryan cried. "Why.." [Y/N] stared into space, her mind was gone. Her eyes were dry, as if she hasn't blinked for hours. Ryan's face was wet with tears. He put his baby back onto the hospital bed. He pulled his own hair and punched the wall. "Why.." Ryan asked a non existing figure.

I literally cried writing this.

Oxygen-Sequel to "Gasoline"|| Ryan x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora