Letter Seven

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damn, what's making me fall in love with you even more by the second? your voice, smile, personality? it's driving me nuts, but you don't know that. god, i wish these butterflies can go away, so much. but at the same time, i don't. i don't know why.

"Sarah?" I gasp loudly and turn around seeing him.

"Oh god dammit Calum. You scared the crap out of me." I close my journal quickly and put it in my backpack.

"Well I tried not to. What are you doing here in the library?"

"Uh nothing actually. I-I've been just... thinking."

"About what?" I sigh and set some books to the side and cross my arms.

"Thinking of some new bands to listen to. I'm kind of tired of listening to blink all this month."

"I love blink. I mostly love Green Day." He said grabbing a piece of paper and pencil.

"What's your favorite from them?" I said.

"21 Guns. Love that song." I nod and look at him.

He's so godamn beautiful. His face, his body, everything.

"How are you and your girlfriend?"

"We broke up." I sit straight up and look at him.

"What happened?"

"I told her I like someone else." He scribbled down some numbers and looks at me.

"L-let me guess, the unknown girl." He smiles and looks down.

"She's on my mind. I have no idea who this is but I really want to meet her. I feel like she's the one." I stiffen and look at the desk.

"Oh, w-well I'll help you look for her. Y-you guys will be great together." I smile and he slides the paper to me.

"Text me or call me. Maybe we can listen to some bands together. See ya around Sarah." He gets up from the seat and leaves me alone in the library.

I smile and take out my book and finish his note.

i'm just hoping i'll see you soon. really soon :) <3

Unknown x

Whoop! Another chapter :))
Posting another one later on tonight
Ily guys

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