Letter Ten

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your friend michael talked to me today about you. i heard you like a girl. she must be really special. i'm glad you moved on. you need to be happy. take care of that girl. don't worry about me now. i'll be okay for now.

"He's coming over here." I look up from the book and put it away.

"This is like the fifth time coming over here, why?"

"Calum likes you!" Laura squealed. I roll my eyes and finish my sandwich.

"I need some proof of that." I say.

"Hey Sarah, can I talk to you for a second?" I look up at him and nod my head. I get up from my seat and follow him to the hallway.

"What's up? You okay?"

"I'm fine. But I need help finding this girl writing these letters. It's bugging me."

"Why is it bugging you?" I ask nonchalantly.

"I think I like her." I freeze and look to the ground.

He likes me. Calum Hood, the team soccer captain, the popular guy, likes me.

"How are you sure. D-do you have the letters?"

"Uh yeah in my locker. Come." I follow him to his locker and wait for him to open it. "There's nine letters. It's been a few days since I haven't gotten another one. I have a feeling she probably gave up."

"M-maybe she's going through a lot and can't write at the m-moment?" Which is true, I've got a lot on my hands.

"You're right. But that's not what I also wanted to talk about."

"T-then what did you want to talk about?" I say nervously. He moves closer to me and I breathe in, smelling his cologne.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place and listen to some bands?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, that sounds great! Uh tonight?"

"Yeah tonight. I'll order some pizza and we can listen to our favorite bands."

"That's sounds really great! I'll see you tonight."

"Great." I walk away and I could hear him scream with excitement. I smile to myself and walk back into the cafeteria.

"Let me guess, he asked you out?!" Laura said.

"My first date with him is tonight." I smile.

"This is amazing! Calum had the balls to ask you out!" I laugh and finish writing my letter.

and don't worry, i'm still writing letters for you. i'm never stopping :) <3

Unknown x

Sorry for a late update! I was really busy all this week and I rarely had some spare time.

How many letters should the 'Unknown' aka Sarah write? I was thinking 20 before she tells him it's her. Idk yet lol

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