Letter Fifteen

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I sit patiently in the lunch room, staring at Calum. I told him to meet me in the library today and I'm pretty nervous.

He looks around, stands up and leaves the cafeteria. "You got this. He'll be really surprised."

"Thanks Laura. I'll see you next period." I pack up, throw my lunch away and head towards the library.

I slowly walk up the stairs and look at the ground. I stop in front of the doors and look around for Calum. I open the door and see him sitting by the window.

Deep breaths. You can do this.

I pat his shoulder and he quickly turns around. He seemed pretty happy to see me. "H-hey Sarah. How are y-you?" He gestures me to sit across from him and I set my bag down.

"I-I've been okay. I came here to talk to you."

"Look, before you speak, I'm so sorry for being suck an ass last month. It was really stupid of me to play you like that. I just didn't want my friends to think I was some kind of sweet boy or something. I got carried away and I'm really sorry for that. I really like you, but you probably don't like me anymore after that incident."

"I forgive you Calum. Just please don't be a dick. I like the real you better. I like the sweet, funny, smart, kind Calum. That's why I liked you. You get along with everybody. You care so much about your friends, family and others. You never think of yourself. You really hurt my feelings, Cal."

"And I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to accuse you of that."

"I came here to talk to you about something else. But I don't know if you'll like it." I nervously say.

"What? Is it- is it you writing these letters?" He nervously laughs.

Before I could've told him, the bell rings for next period. "I-I'm sorry. I have to go. I'll tell you soon." I grab my bag and leave the library as fast as I could.

I look back and I see Calum trying to look for me. I jog the down the stairs and head straight to math.

Guess time to write one more letter.


i'm really sorry about today. i got caught up and i really wanted to meet up. i was a chicken. i don't want you to get mad, or possibly make you lose your trust to me. but i want you to know, i truly like you and i hope you understand after i tell you everything in person next week. i promise i'll be there this time xx

Unknown x


Woo another chapter! Follow my Instagrams if you want :)  I'll post another chapter soon ily all 💘

Personals- @sleepylitzy @vntagesoul

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