Chapter 17, Scene 1, Part 29

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Chapter 17

Sleepless in Muskoka

Scene 1

"That went well." Mickey slammed a palm against the polished brass elevator doors.

Rachel's heart squeezed in sympathy. She tentatively laid a consoling hand on his strong back. "Garth will come around. He's desperately in love. Eventually he'll listen to reason. It's obvious to the rest of us that Tiffany will create chaos on any film set until she dries out."

He turned to face her. "As it stands, he's hell-bent on finding out the hard way," he predicted with a sorrowful droop to his fine mouth. A gaggle of chattering guests exited the ballroom and approached the elevator. The party seemed to be breaking up. "Let's discuss this in private." Stiff with repressed agitation, Mickey stalked along the corridor to his room a few doors past the elevator.

Rachel hesitated for a fraction of a second to sweep the area for staff witnesses before throwing caution to the wind. Mickey needed comforting, and she was on it like a hot dog on a grill. Sssssst. Sizzle, sizzle.

Mickey slid his key card into the slot and held the door for her to enter. The evening chambermaid had drawn the curtains and turned down the summer weight duvet on the king-sized bed. Soft pools of light from the lamps on the night tables illuminated the stage for a romantic tryst. But Mickey threw his jacket over a chair, sat on the end of the bed and slumped forward, dark head bowed over knees.

Rachel kicked off the instruments of torture, perched beside him and sidled close until their shoulders brushed. "If it's the right decision, why are you upset?"

He paused, as if debating internally whether to confide in her, a relative stranger. She draped a consoling arm across his shoulders, and he leaned in, sighed.

In a voice rough with emotion, he finally replied, "In my opinion, Tiffany's only hope is to find the courage to face her demons and save herself. Garth believes he can rescue her, like some medieval knight in shining armor. Too bad my decision apparently cost me a friend."

From her observation that weekend, Mickey had a long term relationship with the Armstrong men solid enough to weather a tiff about Tiff. There had to be more explanation for his distress. "Meanwhile..." she encouraged.

"Meanwhile I don't have the star power signed to be able to afford the lease on an office suite for my own agency. The deadline is Monday."

"So the downside is that you can't launch your agency yet? Isn't Hollywood awash in talented starlets? There'll be other actors and other vacant offices for rent."

He stared at the carpet, unconvinced that his agency had a future.

She recalled the harsh words exchanged at the elevator. "You're worried about your friendship with Garth," she intuited. "He's been your friend forever and is clearly a super intelligent guy. Due to all the messy wedding drama he's not thinking straight. He'll figure out what's best for Tiffany."

At that Mickey rallied, straightened, and hugged her close. "You're absolutely right. Pheromones addled his brain, that's all," he said into her hair. "I'm being an idiot." He attempted a chuckle.

"He'll come to his senses and realize your intent is to protect Tiffany's career. I believe you made the right choice."

Rachel was a practical girl. She of all people understood a decision, either way, had consequences for the other party. Selling photos to the media was right for her career but would've resulted in hurting Halden and his family. Not selling them derailed her chance for a Hollywood career. That being said, ethically she'd made the correct decision and could sleep at night. Ditto for Mickey.

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