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Steven's P.O.V

I start to wake head is aching and Connie is behind me ...she looks hurt...

"Connie.." i groan and hold my head..

she wasn't moving


Earlier that week...

the alarm clock went off.. i got up and got dressed ..

its was 7 am on a Monday..i really didn't feel like doing anything...

i headed out to the Big D to get some breakfast..

i rubbed my eye as i pushed the door open...

i yawned

"Good Morning Sadie, two doughnuts please.." i rested my head on the counter..

I sat up and looked around..

i went to the back room..

no one..

"hmm ill just grab them and leave a note"

"I O U"

i set it on the counter and walk out the door..

i went outside and it just felt was a calm morning...


i turned around

"oh hey Connie" i smiled at her..

she blushed but then shook her head

"Steven!! everyone had to evacuate the town! the gems said something big is coming! why are you still here??"

"hmm..why are you still here..?"

she started blushing...

"cause i didn't see you at the meet up spot for the town...i got worried and came looking for you.."

I blushed too

"Thanks..but  i guess this explains why the own seemed so calm.."

she grabbed my hand and i  turned beat read..
"Come on...ill take you were we have to go.."

"wait a gem too shouldn't  help.." a tear started to form in her eye..

"The gems said you would say something like this...but Steven this isn't  a battle you could help could get destroyed.."


her grip got tighter and she started to cry softly...

"i wont go..ill stay here...with you..."

i grabbed her chin and lifted it up softly..

"No need to cry..we'll be together.."

we smiled at each other and hugged.. she started leading me out of was a really far walk.. i wish i would have brought lion

we continued to hold hands and walked in silence..but it was a good type a silence...

After what felt like 3 hours of walking we made it to where everyone was..

They were all crowed around some people..

"hmm? whats going on..?" i said

"I don't know...?" we walked deeper into the crowd

"It not safe here! you all have to leave now!" Garnet yelled

"Well where are we supposed to go! we cant just keep walking from town to town!" someone from the crowd said

"Its safest wont be able to track you there.."

"How the hell are we suppose to get UNDERGROUND?!"  another person said and then the whole crowd started yelling

Connie grabbed my arm and got closer to me...

"Steven..I'm scared.."

i didn't respond..i just held on to her..i had to look tough..but ...i was terrified too

i started trudging towards the gems..

"Steven! Connie found you!" pearl said bending down to hug me..

"Yea, but uh pear...whats going on?!"

she stood up

"Im sorryy Steven..but..we're gonna be under attack..we got a message from homeworld..saying they want to finish the take back 'their' planet...and we cant have you apart of this..."

"Pearl! i can fight ! you know i can! i have my bubble and my shield!!" i started tearing up...

Pearl wiped my tears with her thumbs..

"I know you can Steven..this just isn't something you can go its getting and the rest if them need  to find shelter"

i turned from her and grabbed Connie's hand..

"Come on Connie..we're gonna make our own shelter..and maybe go to war.."

"what? but the rest of them..i don't wanna get hurt! "

i turned at her

"Do you trust me..."

"i do..i trained all this time for this i guess..its time i used  it"

we smiled at each other...

"Thank you.."

As we were running we ran into lion..

"Lion! take us back to the temple i have to get my mom's sword!"

He started running and then did his teleport thing.. he got there..grabbed our gear and got out...

Connie was hugged me from behind and was sleeping

for now..the plan was to lay low..and do as the gems want...we'll find and underground resting area..then were gonna come out and fight...

This is it...

This is what we've been training for..time to put it to use..

i had lion teleport us somewhere safe...

"i hope this place is underground...its cold..and wet..." i said to myself...

i hoped off lion and then picked up Connie...

i laid out a pillow and a blanket for her and rested her down gently

she looked so peaceful...and beautiful...i wanted to lay next to her..i mean we could stay warm with that..but...i decided not to..i didn't want to freak her out..but then again...we've have done it before....

What they heck..

i grabbed my sleeping bag and used it as a pillow and Laid next to her and she moved closer to me and smiled..

my eyes widened  and i blushed.. "good choice Steven.." i said to myself

i softly smiled and snuggled up closer and closed my eyes....

I'm gonna have to tell her...

(( Chapter one Complete! this isnt gonna be a long story...just something i thought of and wanted to share...hope you enjoyed..if you want more let me know! and don't forget to like ! love you guys!! ))

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