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I ran to a near by hallway keeping watch for anymore gems, but also pacing back and forth thinking of how i was gonna be "The hero" 

"She knows i love her right...she probably assumes right?? i dont have to die to tell her......RIGHT?

The gems were strong without me before they will be fine now...ill just stay up here lay low and hopefully i dont drive my self INSane?"

I slapped myself in the face

"get it together Steven...they need you...they all need're their last hope"

i hike up my big boy pants and shuffle around the corner. 

i looked back in the window where i first saw the humans

"ok Steven first get the people, THEN save Connie, FINALLY get the crown, save the save town and Mr. krabsssss *cough* ... i mean the gems"

i noticed deeper on where they were keeping everyone and i watched the torture they were being put threw. I felt their pain..i felt their sadness but i did notice there was only 1 gem in there... watching over it all

"all you gotta do is cause a scene big guy..and you are home free"

i started banging on the window an screaming


Before i could finish my clearly amazing insults, they turned and looked at me, but the hate in their eyes maybe me feel, so disgusting, i wanted to cry and run into the corner. 

The look they gave me even made me hate myself even more, it made me feel so little

"shake it off steven, keep pushing"

They started marching up to the window

"YoU tHeRe! WhAt ArE You DoiNG OUt Of The ChamBer...WAs it that new GIRl theY hIred? Did ShE ReLEAse YOU?!! I tOLD theM hUmans ARnt ValuAble EnoUGH to Work WiTh Us"

New girl

I thought to myself ...could they be talking about Connie?

how would....

the window opened before i could even finish my thought there was a a harpoon coming right at me. 

i knew this was how i was gonna go.. before i could even save anyone. i was a gonner

.. and *poof*  a bubble was around me. the harpoon looking thing bounced right off and went back at her instead..i watched her disappear back into her gem..and then there was just silence.

My gem saves my life yet again.

I decided before someone noticed she was missing i ran into the torture chamber and saved everyone i could...but it was no one i really knew left...

i saw how drained they were.. and they poibnted behind me

as far as i could see there were glass cases of people with tubes throughout their bodies and their eyes rolled behind their heads...incased in this greeen junk

"can i help them....i have to heelp"

This friendly old guy, i think his name was john.. he told me i was too late...and they were the only few left..

i couldn't cry ...but i wanted to.. but i had to be strong for the few i could save..

i wave to kiki..and sadie, and lars....i wish i could've helped them.. i wish i was enough..

i look back and john

well what are they doing with the rest of you that are here..

"we kept quite and didn't talk back so they said we could be useful somewhere else"

"well that doesn't matter anymore, Im here for you guys now..follow me, Im gonna get you guys out of here" i said to john

i start running out the window and screaming back for everyone to follow me.

Once everyone is out. i start shoving them all down a hallway..and telling them to keep quite.

we make it to what i assume is an exit...but it on the floor...and we would have to drop threw..

"How the hell are we supposed to get out..and even if we did would we survive the fall.. we dont even know where we are?!"

"LADY please calm down! hes doing the best he can, if it wasn't for him, WE would STILL BE IN THERE!" 

i took that to heart..on two different levels.. one i save their lives and they are expecting me to completely save them, and two..their lives are in my hands..and i could screw up big time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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