Chapter 10

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Sorry been thinking where this story would go and hadn't come up with anything. Its been a while but i finally have a path would like some help you would be dedicated to. Love you guys, thanks so much for the support and loyalty.

He bit me! He fucking bit me! A rush of desire ran threw me like a wild horse stampede, my body throbbed with want and recognized the body heat comming from Ares as he pressed up against me. The realization of what he had did killed any other emotions I felt for him. There was desire, we are Mates true Mates not like what I had with Martin (though it had only been a few hours), there was pain, the horrible pain of the bond that had began to form with Martin that was now shattered. Like being sliced repeatedly. My body suddenly felt heavy and my legs couldn't work anymore as I fell in Ares arms. His mouth still hot and wet at the sensitive area making me shiver, my body hurt but he no longer bit but lapped at the mark. A whimpered escaped my lips as my body over heated and  as if it pulsed. much pain... it started at the base of my spine and made it's way up through out my body, fire someone had set me on fire.

"Shh kitten it'll all be over. Now it's just you and me baby, like its suppose to be. Shhh I got you." Ares hand had held the nape of my neck, while his other held the small of my back.

Gritting my teeth, and with all my pain the over powering pull to bit him back to claim. Why should I make this so easy for him when he clearly didn't want me to begin with? Oh God so much pain make it stop. Make it stop!

"Shhh baby...I can feel you, the pain will go away if you bite me, mark me as yours. We were many to be together." He stroked my hair but the anger built in me, even with the pain.

"You left me..." I whimpered out. Mustering as much power as I could, inhaling before shoving at his chest. Ares stumbled back but still held me at arms length. His shocked expression was quickly covered with a scowl, as a low warning rumble was emitted from his chest.

"No." Shoving him once more but he was prepared. " bit me!" My body began to tremble with angry and pain. He did this to me, he was the one who started this.


"No! You fucking bit me!" Suddenly with out thinking my fist came up and connected with his jaw. Unconsciously I had aiming for his nose but fell just a few inches short. But it didnt matter, the force behind it made Ares release me and grabe for his jaw. After all I was a enforcer in my last pack, my blows were never hard enough to knock an Alpha out, but just enough to stun them.

Breathing heavy from the pain the little time I had, as he reeled from my hit, I need to put distance between us. While Ares reeled from my hit quickly pushed past him, stumbling into the hallway. Even threw all the pain I needed to get away from him. The first few steps were torture.

No matter the discomfort and pain that coursed itself threw my body with each step I took, I was putting more distance between us. It took me 3 minutes and to my gratitude as I  rounded the corner Johnny stood outside tapping his foot impatiently. Meeting his angry gaze with my tired and pained one, his turned sour and panicked as he rushed to my side. Leaning again the wall for support, ever muscle in my body screamed with protest not wanting to move again.

Johnny reached out to support me, "Dallas? Are you-" He quickly took a step away from me wrinkling his nose. "Oh man did he force you?" I only hung her head wishing he'd just hold me or take me home. "Martin?! We gott-"

"Home." I chocked out cutting him off as I spoke, bitting my lip of all the flooding emotions that now threatened to blow out of me. "Take me home please." My body shivered and swayed with uneasiness.

Johnny just nodded his head "Yea let's go." He wrapped his arm around  waist, before dipping down and wrapping the other behind legs as he and carried me bridle style out of school and to his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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