Chapter Un. (One.)

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I glanced at the top of my screen. The team I was apart of was winning, but not by much. Us, the counter-terrorists were sitting at fifteen points and the terrorists were steadily stacking up their points. I glanced over my other monitor to read chat for a second before my focus shifted back into my game.

"One more round guys, that is all we need to win," I said into my mic. My teammates grunted and Jess' voice rang clear in my headset through Discord, luckily our teammates couldn't hear our secret remarks about their plays.

"Cheerful team aren't they?" she sassed and I chuckled quietly, agreeing with her. The next round started and Jess and I ran to hide somewhere so I could catch up with my chat, she watched my back as I caught up. We moved as a pair and hunted down the remaining terrorist.

"Hurry up!" someone from my team yelled and I recoiled at the sound. Their voice screeched through a cheap headset and into my headphones. My eyes widened, I never knew anyone's quality could be that bad.

"R.I.P. Earphone users," I smirked at my facecam. A team member killed the last terrorist and the round ended.

"We won! Whoop whoop!" Jess hollered into her mic, "hey, London? Care to go for another game?" I looked over at my chat and skimmed through the comments. I had to go down to the supermarket sometime today, but everyone in chat wanted me to play another game.

"One more game then Jess." I voted on the map Dust, and so did everyone else. A few people from my stream exchanged places with our team members before we jumped into another game.

"Hiya team!" I sung to our semi-new team we assembled as we started the first round. No one from either team spoke and I felt a bit deflated.

"Hi London!" someone said loudly and I noticed it was from Jess' gamertag. I laughed out loud and planted the bomb at A. A few of my teammates were jumping around nearby, showing off their awful skills to Jess and I. We won the first round and just as the next round started my screen went black, the computer shut down and so did my lights in my room.

"Huh?" I took off my headset, they weren't working as well. I heard footsteps then Jess ran into my room, her blue and green hair flying everywhere.

"We've had a power cut!" she cried out, hands up in the air, "the stream is doomed! The internet's out! My computer stop-" I stood up and placed a hand over her mouth.

"I can see that the power is out Jess." I rolled my eyes at her obvious statement and retracted my hand before she licked me.

"Oh." she backed out of my room. I heard her footsteps down the hallway and into another room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, "London! My computer isn't turning on! Oh. Wait..." I doubled over laughing and sat back down in my computer chair to steady myself. Jess walked back in frowning and I wiped the tears away still chuckling.

"Alright then, since you remembered that our power is off I'm going to the supermarket. Are you going to be okay being here by yourself?" she snorted loudly.

"I'll be fine, Mother," I raised one eyebrow at her, "I won't die I promise."

"Alright, if you say so."

I walked her out of my room and shut my door, giving myself some privacy to change into my running gear. My running time always clashed with my streaming time so I kept on delaying when I should run. Since I would be outside, I seized the opportunity to run and grabbed my phone and earphones off my dresser.

"Bye Jess!" I yelled as I walked out of the house. My phone and wallet were in my pocket, my hair tied up in its silver ponytail and my earbuds tucked in my ears. I started to jog, then I steadily climbed to faster pace. My feet repeatedly drummed against the pavement. Even though it was just after lunch, there were a lot of runners out. My pace started to slow down as I neared my destination. I jogged into the first supermarket I saw and grabbed a basket from the entrance.

"Milk, bread, ice-cream..." I read out loud from a text Jess sent me earlier, "apples, white chocolate." I shook my head as I put everything that was requested in the basket. I browsed the isles, searching for what we needed. The cashier scanned the last item and I swiped my card through the machine, the shopping bags hung from my arms as I left the building.

I worked my way into a jog once I left town. Before I knew it, I turned off the pavement and along another pathway. I carried on jogging along the path. It was nice to have a different change of scenery my mind commented. Still, my feet drummed repeatedly on the pavement. My phone changed song and I started to jog to the rhythm. On my jog home, high metal fences glimmered in the light and caught my eye. As I got closer I learned that it was a football pitch. I slowed down even more once I saw seven guys stood in front of a camera.


~Waves~ Hello!

First chapter of my CalFreezy Fanfiction up before the Opening Ceremony! By like, 5 minutes 😛 I don't know how often I should update it though, for now every second day.

~Kate <3
P.S. To everyone about to watch the opening ceremony, enjoy it!

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