Chapter 2

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Fidd and Ford were walking through the forest. Ford had his head buried in his journal.
"Do you know where we are even going?" Fidd teased as he watched Ford aimlessly wander down the path. Blinded by his concentration in the journal he crashed into a tree.
"Ow!" Ford exclaimed as he looked up from his journal to look at the tree.Fidd covered his mouth trying not to burst out laughing.
"It's not funny" Ford growled.
"Oh it is" Fidd chuckled.
"Maybe now you will watch were you are going?" Fidd grabbed the journal from Fords hand. Ford just rolled his eyes and continued down the trail.

Soon they heard a grumbling sound.
"What was that?" Ford questioned and stood still.
"My stomach" Fidd blushed and scratched his face.
"Really? Did you bring any food?" Ford asked in concern
"I think so" Fidd sat down and rifled through his back pack. Ford sat down beside him. Fidd then pulled out a small, half opened bag of beef jerky.
"How did this get in here. I hate jerky" Fidd sneered as he tossed the bag in the floor. Suddenly the forest began to tremble. Animals ran past them, something was coming, something terrifying. Fidd couldn't help but tightly grip onto Ford as the unknown creature of doom moved closer. Giant footsteps could be heard drudging through the forest. Then a huge bovine humanoid moved into the clearing. It was wearing nothing but a loincloth and hair everywhere. He moved sluggishly and scratched himself. Fidd's grip on Ford tightened.
"YOU! Gunna finish that" the creature pointed toward the discarded bag of jerky.
"Um, n-no" Ford stuttered.  The creature then bent down and finished off the rest of the beef snack. Ford looked down at the petrified Fiddleford.
"W-what are you?" Ford questioned hoping he didn't offend the creature.
"I'M A MANOTAUR! HALF MAN! Uh? HALF TAUR!" The creature roared.
"Extraordinary" Ford spoke in awe.
"W-where did you come from?" Ford became bolder with his questions.
"THE MAN CAVE!" The creature cheered.
"W-would I be allowed to study you? For science that is?" Ford squeaked.
"What's science?" The uncultured creature asked. Ford burst into hysterics at the question 'what's science?' But luckily stopped himself. Fidd was still froze with fear, his grip on Ford remained tight.
"Something really cool" Ford seised his opportunity to manipulate the creatures simplistic mind.
"Well, I do like things that are cool" the creature nodded to himself.
"Come, I will show you the ways of man for this science you speak of" the creature grunted and grabbed them both before he set off running into the forest.

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