Chapter 5

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The Manotaurs had circled around Fidd preparing to teach him their ways.
"For your first lesson in courtship we will teach you how to use your appearance to get his attention. We have little to work with but we will try our best" a Manotaur spoke as he gestured to Fidd's skinny body. Fiddleford blushed as he looked at his unimpressive, scraggly arms.
He cleared his throat "um, what exactly are we doing?" Fidd asked trying to change the subject.
"To impress a potential mate you must make you self look bigger and stronger. You should push out chest, clench your fists and take big steps" the Manotaur did the actions he described.
"Now you try" he gestured to Fidd.
"O-okay" Fidd then took in a deep breath and puffed out his chest and tried to take big strides. He looked and felt ridiculous but the Manotaurs said he was doing perfect.

"Now that you look impressive, you must smell impressive and nothing is more impressive than man sweat" the Manotaur pointed toward some weights. Fidd frowned, he had never touched a weight in his life. What if it crushed him? He thought to himself. He tried to protest against it but the Manotaurs pushed him towards some dumbbells.
"Guys, I really don't think this is necessary" Fidd tried to back out of it.
"You want to get his attention don't you?" One Manotaur questioned as he passed Fidd the dumbbells. His arms almost collapsed under the weight. The Manotaurs cheered as Fidd began to move his arms up and down.

Ford realised that Fidd wasn't with him. He looked up to see the group of beasts cheering at something. Ford went over to investigate. He stood in shock at what he was witnessing. Fidd's face was red, oxygen deprived, as he tried to keep a weight above his head.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ford gasped in horror. The Manotaurs all fell silent.
"Ford. I-I was um-" Fidd stuttered, he couldn't hold the weight much longer and he dropped it. The weight barely missed his foot.
"Like we practiced" a Manotaur whispered to Fidd. They then dispersed but they were watching from afar. Fidd then puffed out his chest and stood up tall. He was taller then Ford when he stood properly. He clenched his fists and made himself look as macho as possible.
"What are you doing?" Ford raised his brow. Fidd couldn't hold this stance any longer, he gave out a long exhale and arched his back.
"N-nothing, I was just, um, stretching" Fidd stammered.
"Stretching? You have never stretched like that in your life nor lifted a weight. What has gotten into you?" Ford grabbed hold of Fidd's arms. Fidd looked Ford directly in the eyes.
"I still love you" Fidd whispered. At that moment Ford hugged Fidd tightly.
"I love you too" Ford whispered in Fidd's ear. Fidd fell silent, tears filled his eyes and tightly gripped on to Ford. Suddenly the Manotaurs cheered in triumph.
"Can we go home now?" Fidd whispered. Ford nodded in agreement. They pulled apart but were thrown in the air by the giant beasts.

When they were finally put down Fidd ran to collect up their equipment. When they were ready to leave the Manotaur that brought them there held Fidd and Ford in his arms and began to run back to the spot he found them.

Adventures of Fidd and Ford: Manotaurs. Where stories live. Discover now