Chapter 4

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It's been a couple of months since Lily's parents died and she has been dreaming about them when Lily heard, "Hey......Hey...HEY!" Lily snapped her eyes opened, she looked around to see a girl with the most red hair she has ever seen. "Ah...who are you?" Lily asked, still mesmerized by the girl's hair. "Oh! I'm Bonnie Wright. Metamorphmagus and witch." the girl said cheerily. "Wait...doesn't being a Metamorphmagus mean that you can change how you look?" Lily said. "Yeah! Watch this!" at this, Bonnie made her hair neon pink. "Wicked, right!" she squealed. "Yeah!" Lily agreed. "Oh! You've met Bonnie. She is Teddy's cousin, we'll have fun!" Molly breathed. "Hey Lily, do you wanna be best friends!" she beamed. "Sure Bonnie!" Lily laughed. "Yay! Come on let's pick you out an outfit!" she said. "Ok, nock yourself out." Lily said. Bonnie dug through Lily's dressers. " about these jeans with this red flannel?" Bonnie asked. "Sure. Let me put it on." Lily grabbed the outfit and went into the bathroom. When Lily walked out to see Bonnie with turquoise hair and yellow eyes. "Pretty! Hey, do think this look suits me?" she posed. "Definitely." Lily agreed. "Btw, are you going to  Hogwarts?" Bonnie asked. "Yes, you?" Lily asked. "Duh! It's the best school there is." Bonnie laughed. "Hey Bonnie and Lily wanna play Quidditch ?" James said as he leaned on the doorway. "I don't know how to play." Lily said. "It's okay I will teach you." James reassured Lily. "Okay!" she said cheerfully.
"Ok, stand left to the broom and yell "up", got it?" James ordered. Lily looked at Bonnie in the air already, gulped. "UP!" she yelled. In instant the broom went into Lily's hand. "Good, now mount the-" James stopped to look up in awe. Lily was already in the air doing loop-de-loops and doing steep dives. "How are you doing that!" James whispered. "It just feels natural." Lily smiled. "OI! I'm going to take you lot to Diagonally!" yelled Uncle Ron.
Lily zoomed down on her broom and beamed up at her uncle, when she saw him gawking at her. "Blimey, you sure can fly! Just like your dad. Guess it's in the family!" he said. "Right, so how are we going to go to Diagonnally?" James said impatiently. "Oh, yeah, we're going by floo powder." Uncle Ron said. "Cool I never been by floo powder!" beamed Bonnie.

 "Cool I never been by floo powder!" beamed Bonnie

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