Chapter 7

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"Wait the Black family has died out when Sirius Black died." said Bonnie with her hair turning hot pink. "I'm his great-nephew. You see my father, Regulus, had a son with a pure-blood woman then that son had me with another pure-blooded woman." he said pompously. After this Lily was angry, the way he pronounced his birth of being a pure-blood, it made her blood boil. She side glanced at Bonnie and saw how her hair turned red. "So you care about pure-bloods do you! Then you can move to another capartment because I'm a Weasley and they're one of the biggest blood-traitors in the world!" Lily said shrilly. "No! Wait! I didn't mean it like that. I hate being pure-blooded. It's just my parents me make me state that I'm pure-blooded." Asher blushes furiously. Lily looks at Bonnie her hair turned back to normal and she said,"Well then sure." Asher sits down across from Lily. Right when he sat down, again their capartment . "Oh look here, Jones we found a treasure." a sneering voice. Lily turned and recognized Scorpius Malfoy. "Hello you look quite pretty, you know maybe you can come and sit with us." Scorpius said looking at Lily. Lily turned to him, brushing her hair out of her face. "My goodness what happened to your cheek! Never mind about sitting with us!" with that Scorpius left. Lily cupped her cheek feeling her scar. "Don't listen to him you are still beautiful." Bonnie said stubbornly. "Yeah even though I just met you seem really nice and I want to be your friend." piped up Asher. Lily looked at them, her friends. "Thanks guys." "I think we should change Asher can you turn around?" Bonnie said. "Oh! Sorry." he blushed and turned around. Lily and Bonnie laughed. "I can't wait 'til we get there." Bonnie squealed.

" Bonnie squealed

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