Chapter 10

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Lily was finally walking up the steps of the ancient castle. There at the doors was the deputy headmaster, George Weasley. "Come on first years just get in a line and wait for your name to be called." he smiled. Bonnie's hair was flipping through colors. "What hair color should I go with?" she worried. "Maybe...bubblegum pink?" Asher said. "No! I need something that will catch people's attention." Bonnie kept going through colors. "How about magenta?" Lily said. "Yes of course!" Bonnie's hair turned her hair color magenta and her eyes were light blue. "Black, Asher." George called. Asher walked up to the stool and George dropped the hat on Asher's head. I wasn't even on his head for a minute when it yelled,"Gryffindor!"

Other kids were sorted into other houses like, Sanders, May who was sorted in Slytherin or Longbottom, Joshua was sorted in Hufflepuff. Finally George called,"Potter, Lilly!"

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