1,000 Ways to Annoy People!

994 11 6

Okay I know this is not my "Type" Of book, but seriously this book is just a "day-maker".

It just gives me back my good humor, it's so funny and if you try some of this (which I have done XD) you end up with an amazing grin on your face and a "Why haven't I thought about this before?" question, or extremely punished with a "I DON'T REGRET ANYTHING" or a "IT WAS ALL WORTH IT" cliche line.

Either way if you just want to laugh like a complete retard imagining yourself doing this stuff, you'll be happy, because you now have good comebacks or you now know you aren't a menace to society compare to this :D so you better read it, it's unicornly amazing.

*To go read the book click on the external link*


Or 1,000 ways to be a total menace to society.


Rate: 10/10 stars in Lucianna's scale

Have you read it?

And if you did, did you liked it? What do you think about the story? teeeeell me in the comments beloow please :)

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