Chapter Two

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Celestia leaned out the treehouse window, covering the whole area with fog so they'd stay hidden. One by one, the group climbed down the rope ladder dropped from above. Celestia then lifted the ladder with her winds, pushing it up into the hollow tree. She closed the trapdoor and the window with wind too. They stood there for a moment, staring out into the mist.

"I guess we should get going then," said Lux finally. They all paired up with their partners and set off in different directions.

It had been nearly two hours since they had first paired up. Kaine had the idea of searching in different directions, looking in the places that Jet most likely could be hiding. He and Celestia were searching the surrounding forest, Ryker and Electra were searching the caves in the north, and Lux and Deacon were searching the plains in the south. In a few days they would meet up in the mountains to the east to regroup and set out again.

Celestia summoned a few of her Cloudflyers, small pixie-like creatures with long feathery hair and silvery wings. She whispered to them in a language Kaine couldn't understand and they flew off.

"They're watching from the skies," she said. "They'll help."

"Good idea," said Kaine. "Maybe my Warpswords can help." He called them and a small cloud of short, jet black humanoid figures appeared. Kaine spoke one word to them that everyone could understand. "Search." They then disappeared from view instantly.

The two then continued on, searching for signs of their enemy and slowly moving towards the mountains.

A few hours later, Celestia stopped, looking around. Kaine turned to face her. "What's wrong?"

Celestia motioned for him to be quiet. They stood perfectly still for nearly five minutes then all of a sudden Celestia took off into the forest, off the path. Kaine cursed, following her through the bushes. He found her standing on the bank of a stream, staring into the water.

He stepped up next to her. "What is it?"

Celestia said nothing, only pointed into the water. Kaine squinted, seeing nothing... wait. What was that?

Celestia dove into the water, kicking to reach the bottom. She popped up a few seconds later, holding something in her hand. She uncurled her fingers, revealing a shard of metal. One side looked like the end of a sword, perfectly smooth and sharp. But the other side was broken and jagged, like the sword had snapped.

Celestia said exactly what Kaine was thinking. "There was a battle here, but what has strong enough armor to break a sword when hit?"

Kaine was silent, thinking, then he shrugged. "Something really powerful I guess."

Celestia nodded. "Exactly. Like magic. There's an elven village less than a mile from here. My guess is that Jet attacked a group going to the village, or coming from it. We elves are creatures of magic, but most of us cannot use magic, or we use a part of ourselves. I am different because I am a rarity, like humans with magic."

"So that piece of metal is from an elven sword that tried to attack Jet?" Kaine asked.

Celestia nodded. "Most likely." She gestured in the direction of the elven village. "We should go there, see if they need help, or if they can help us."

"If the village is still there," Kaine said grimly.  

(I'm gonna have to give chibipotter all of the credit for this chapter. I barely did any work on it, and she wrote half the chapter in about a half hour. I wrote about one sentence. So yeah. d(^u^)b)

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