Chapter Three

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Meanwhile, Electra and Ryker were searching the caves. They walked side by side. Electra had a ball of lightning flickering in her hand, lighting the way. Not that they needed it, because Ryker just dispersed the darkness. They hadn't found much, but thanks to Ryker being observant, they found a piece of wood, the end charred like a torch. However, their sudden hope had soon drained when nothing else was found. The burnt torch had been found nearly two hours ago, yet the pair continued on.

Ryker sighed. He dropped control of the shadows and their only light was Electra's lightning, casting an eerie glow over the walls. "We haven't found anything!" he complained, a change from his usual silent self.

Electra didn't say anything for a moment, then perked up hopefully. "We found that old torch!"

"Yeah, and that's exactly what it was. Old. If Jet was ever here, he's long gone."

Electra merely brightened her ball of lightning and continued on, determined. Ryker sighed, but trudged after her. Eventually even Electra got tired. She stopped suddenly, causing the half asleep Ryker to bump into her. "Well stop for the night", she announced, dropping her pack on the ground.

Ryker looked around blearily. It looked exactly the same as the rest of these damned tunnels. He sighed again and unrolled his sleeping bag, climbing into it and falling asleep almost immediately. Electra stayed up for a little while longer, entertaining herself by creating light patterns on the tunnel wall. After a bit she fell asleep and the tunnel turned pitch black.

Unbeknownst to them, Jet lay sleeping less than a mile away, in a cave connected to the tunnel that Electra and Ryker were in right now. Sage was guarding the entrance to the cave. Sage was an enemy, a helper of Jet. He was one of the talented, and his power was plants, primarily thorns and vines. Only Ryker and Lux had met him in battle before.

The next morning, Electra and Ryker packed up their makeshift beds and continued on. Sage had switched shifts with North, a girl with long red hair and golden armor. Her power was polarity. She could also call upon ten swords, and control them all with her power. This made her very hard to defeat. However, Electra had an advantage on her because she could use lightning to strike North's armor and weapons, electrocuting her and magnifying it from the metal.

It wasn't long before the pair started hearing voices. Ryker quickly grew excited at the prospect of discovering one of Jet's secret hideouts. Electra dimmed her lightning and Ryker let the darkness swarm them again. Torches soon began lighting the tunnel as they slowly got closer and closer to the cave. When it got too risky to get any closer, Ryker hid in the shadows, nearly becoming a shadow himself. He snuck closer to the entrance of the cave and saw North, casually sharpening a sword against the wall. He recognized the red-haired warrior from the attack on his village and he struggled to stay hidden and not attack her on the spot. He snuck back to Electra and confirmed that this was indeed Jet's hideout. Ryker hid them both in darkness and they made their way towards the cave.

A mere few feet from the entrance to the cave, they stopped again. They had to get through North.

"Stay here", Ryker whispered to Electra. She frantically tried to motion for Ryker to stay, but it was too late. The cloud of darkness surrounding Ryker moved with him as he crawled, leaving Electra in plain view of their enemy.

North smirked. "Well, well, look who we have here."

Ryker whirled around, realizing his mistake. He dropped control of the darkness in surprise and the torches filled the shadows around him with light.

North grinned. "Ain't this my lucky day!" Her eyes widened then she smirked again, recognizing Ryker. "I remember you. Well, now you can join the rest of your family." North paused for effect. "In a grave!" 

*Yet again, chibipotter did 90% of the work. I just did editing stuffs. So if you're gonna commend someone on this, commend her pls.

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